Topic: Having a Funky Day
This group seems to be very supportive when a member is down. I know I'm not really "one of the boys and girls" yet, but I can sure use a lift.
It's raining here in New York and I'm still waiting for a call about a job I've wanted for some time. It's been a year and a half since my crazy work schedule came to an abrupt end and I've been in the dumps most days since then. Today, nothing is going right. I even tried to make light of my foul mood by remarking to my banker (of Indian background) that I'm in a "funk" today. I think she heard me wrong, because, when I turned around, I caught this normally very cordial and friendly woman making a really nasty face behind my back. From that point on, I decided not to speak to anyone at all any more today.
So here I am back in front of the computer, droopy and sad. I really wish there was a song to express what I'm feeling right now and - perhaps - lift me out of it. Does anybody have any song suggestions? Something that works for you????