Topic: County Jaihouse

{t:Sittin’ In The County Jailhouse}
{st:by Steve Boileau--summer of 83}
{c: good ole waltz}
[D]Well I’m sittin’ in the county [G]jailhouse,
[A7]wondrein’ what to hell am I doin’ [D]here.
[D]I got drunk on wine and [G]whiskey,
I [A7]guess I shouda’ stuck to the [G]beer.
[D]They took my watch and my [G]laces,
my [A7]belt and the rest of my [G]gear ,
[D]Somebody get me a [G]lawyer,
so [A7]I can get to hell outa’ [D]here.
Verse 1:
[D]The last thing that I [G]remember,
is a [A7]bout six foot [D]four.
[D]He asked my Lady to [G]dance again,
I said [A7]no pal not any [G]more.
[D]Then he started [G]swingin’,
I [A7]stood right up to [D]him,
[D]He went down and I [G]kept it up ‘cause I [A7]wasn’t gonna tell him [D]again.
{repeat chorus}
Verse 2:
[D]The judge said I had to do [G]ninety days,
for [A7]roughin’ him up so [D]bad.
[D]He musta weighed [G]200 lbs.
I’m [A7]glad I had the whiskey that I [D]had.
[D]I don’t remember the [G]ladies name,
his [A7]face or where we were [D]at,
[D]the only thing I can [G]say for sure,
it’s a [A7]place that I’ll never go [D]back.
{repeat chorus}

Re: County Jaihouse

Hello Steve - Wonderful little twanger of a song . . . I see it was written in the summer '83.  Hope that your bar brawling days are long over by now - a guy could seriously mess up his hands delivering justice to evildoers!

By the way - you had the song coding all correct except for "bracketSONGSbracket" at the beginning and "bracket/SONGbracket" (not /SONGS) at the end.

Great song - thanks for hauling it out of the archives and sharing!  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: County Jaihouse

Hi Steve,

I gave this one a thrash and a bash earlier (well a fairly gentle one actually) and I really liked this one. I think is my favoutite of the songs you have posted so far. I only hope it is not the product of bitter experience.

Well done and thank you.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: County Jaihouse

Hey Roger;

Everthing I write is from true experiences. Truth be told this little incident resulted in my first "real", "unscheduled accomadations at the Crowbar Hotel", but that is another song to be posted later! Glad yu liked it.

              STEVE B(JV)