1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-04-27 17:33:44)

Topic: Would You Dance With Me Tonignt V2

Would You Dance With Me Tonight V2By Wayne Fiala


(Spoken)> [G]Evenin Mamm.

[C]I see you're here alone.

[G]I just love the way you fix your hair.

(Sing)> [D]And, your make-up is just right.

(Spoken)> [C]Do you believe in love at first sight?

[G]Did you say no?

(Sing)> [D]Well, neither did I, until to[G]night.

If [C]I ask the question,

would you dance with me to[G]night?

[D]Would you dance with me to[G]night?

And, [C]if this is love at first [G]sight,

[D]you'll say yes,and it'll feel [G]right.

So, if [C]I ask the question,

would you dance with me to[G]night?

[D]Would you dance with me to[G]night?

[G]You Take my arm.

[C]I'll escort you to the dance [G]floor.

When the band plays,

and they turn [C]down the house [G]lights,

you can [D]put your arms around me,

and I'll hold you just [G]right.

When the vio[C]len and guitar, sing their love [G]song,

my [D]lips will touch your ear, as I softly sing a[G]long.

And I'll whis[C]per the words in your [G]ear,

that a [D]woman in love wants to [G]hear.

And, [C]as the music notes fill the [G]air,

we'll pre[D]tend we're alone,

and no one else is [G]here.

So if [C]I ask the question,

would you dance with me to[G]night?

[D]Would you dance with me [G]tonight?

[G]We'll shuffle our feet,

[C]make slow circles around the dance [G]floor.

[D]When the music stops,

we'll be close to the [G]door.

And, [C]I'll ask the question,

would you come home with me to[G]night?

And, [C]if this is love at first [G]sight,

[D]you'll say yes, and it'll feel [G]right.

And, [C]when we get there,

and the music notes fill the [G]air,

[D]we'll be alone, no one else will be [G]there.

You can [C]put your arms around me,

and I'll hold you just [G]right.

We'll [D]dance slow-N-close,late into the [G]night.

And I'll whis[C]per the words in your [G]ear,

that a [D]woman in love wants to [G]hear.

And, [C]I'm not a love-em and leave-em kinda [G]guy!

I don't de[C]cieve-em, love-em, then leave-em to [G]cry!

Oh, I'm a [D]one woman, devoted man kinda [G]guy.

So, if [C]I ask the questin, would you dance with me to[G]night?

[D]Would you dance with me, for the rest of your [G]life?

Re: Would You Dance With Me Tonignt V2

Kenny is right!  I just played it.  Much better.
Thanks Kenny,

Re: Would You Dance With Me Tonignt V2

There ya go Jody, big_smile
Reading it is so much easier when it is typed like it's played.

Don't be afraid to come back and change your lyrics when you feel they're not right. As the melody grows and the song gets tighter you'll find the edit button real handy.

Cheers and Nice Write

P.S. I'm not necessarily right, it's just my point of view. big_smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

4 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-04-23 22:07:16)

Re: Would You Dance With Me Tonignt V2

Well Kenny, your point of view just happened to be right this time.
"Sad country songs always make me cry" is a lot better now too.
I did the same thing there I did here.  Who said you can't teach
an old guy a new trick?  smile
Thanks again,

Re: Would You Dance With Me Tonignt V2

I believe ive already told you how good i think this is sir.

This was in answer to my song i wrote some years ago now. I do like it.

Could i ask you to put your utube url here.. you just paste it to your profile . Its so much easier to click on the link
here to youtube,

Thanks Jody , well done again sir.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Would You Dance With Me Tonignt V2

Old Doll wrote:

I believe ive already told you how good i think this is sir.

This was in answer to my song i wrote some years ago now. I do like it.

Could i ask you to put your utube url here.. you just paste it to your profile . Its so much easier to click on the link
here to youtube,

Thanks Jody , well done again sir.

Old Doll.

Hi Old Doll,
How are you?  Okay I hope.  Yes you did comment on this one.  I reposted this one as a version two  because Kenny brought it to my attention that the fourth verse was out of place or something.  I moved it, and made it the last verse.  I think that fixed the problem.  I'll take care of that URL soon.

As always it's a pleasure to hear from you.