Topic: Scam artists working overtime

Today was unbelievable on good friday I get a call from someone speaking in broken English with a India accent "is this russell" ? well you just won $12,000 dollars and a new black Mercedes Benz what do you think of that"? after a short pause I said "I think is bull*** buddy" and hung up I did not get a call back when I got home I checked my email and one of them was from Visa MasterCard they said they were cancelling my card because it was compromised at least that's what they wanted you to believe the tip off was some of the spelling was incorrect and the phrases were broken I was instructed to click the link and provide my personal information to "verify" my card this email was promptly deleted into the trash NEVER give personal information and the old rule still is true if it sounds to good to be true it isnt smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Scam artists working overtime

Hey Russell, Boy you got that right. I've been getting an unusual amount of that bull lately.and
                   wouldn't it be nice to see these people in person?? They are low lifes hiding behind
                   a computer screen. Maybe the owners of these companies would like to show their
                   faces? It burns me to no end. AHHHHHH.....I feel better!       Mike

Our intuitions serve us well

Re: Scam artists working overtime

I get these all the time too. Mainly from cards or banks I have nothing to do with, but they are always asking to resend details or whatever.

Best thing you can do is report them to the bank that they purport to come from and let them deal with it. Of course it would help if the banks had a "Report Scam" button on their front page, rather than tucked away where you can hardly find it !

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Scam artists working overtime

I have seen them in person.  I used to run a warehouse in one of those run-down warehouse/office parks you see from time to time.  The guys who had the office in front of our warehouse building were these lowlifes who ran telephone scams who claimed to be collecting money for some police charity or other.  Papaguitar, I'd like to be able to dispel your impression, but I can't. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Scam artists working overtime

Our intuitions serve us well

Our intuitions serve us well

Re: Scam artists working overtime

Sometimes you cant hide the oder of bovine excretement even over the phone lines.

Bend em tight and let er scream.

Re: Scam artists working overtime

I just hang up or delete emails before reading these days.  I'm not even interested in what they have to say.

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Scam artists working overtime

papa the danger in "taking a peek" is you could be letting a virus get a hold on your pc as an example I was looking for a free cd burning program and the one I selected downloaded and no sooner had I clicked install when my avast anti virus program (also free) alarm sounded it nabbed 3 trojan viruses that had attached themselves to the download and eradicated them I was lucky as a rule investigate any program before deciding to download the same thing with the "make my pc faster" ads on tv I did some checking and overwhelming evidence on the internet proved this is a scam so it pays to be cautious smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Scam artists working overtime

Good point Russell, Maybe time to change my signature. You scared me!lol

Our intuitions serve us well

Re: Scam artists working overtime

Wow, I wish I could digitize myself and pop up on the other side of their screen like in "The lawnmower man" and just liquefy their brains.


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