Topic: I Still Don't Feel Old

Like many people, sometimes remember my youth and all that happened to me growing up. Sometime it makes me sad; sometimes, like tonight, it makes me happy. So I wrote this song about it, and yes I don't feel old, not one bit.

I Still Don’t Feel Old By Jeff Gilpin

March 21st, 2010

The [D]end of the[A] day

A [G]meditative [A]night

[D]Everything’s o[A]kay

Yeah [G]everything’s al[A]right

[D]Where does my mind [A]wander

Where [G]does my old mind [A]go

[D]Back to the [A]days

Where [G]time moved much more [A]slow

[G]Back where [D]time moved [A]slow

[G]Where my [D]mind wants to [A]go

[D]Seems not so [A]long ago

[G]I was just a [A]boy

[D]Life lay out a[A]head of me

The [G]world was my [A]toy

[D]Filled up all my [A]days

[G]Adventures ga[A]lore

[D]Plenty of time to [A]tarry

[G]Always time for [A]more

[G]Never knew [D]what was in [A]store

[G]Didn’t care I [D]just wanted [A]more

[D]Snatched back from my [A]memories

[G]Back from reve[A]rie

[D]Wow look what [A]time it is

[G]It was enough for [A]me

[D]Those days that [A]led me here

[G]A long and winding [A]stroll

Now I’m [D]older somewhat [A]wiser

[G]Guess I paid the[A] toll

[G]A long [D]way have I [A]rolled

[G]I still [D]don’t feel [A]old

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

Your right Jets 60,

I wanna just evaporate like "Angels Share !

Angels' share is a term for the portion (share) of a wine or distilled spirit's volume that is lost to evaporation during aging in oak barrels.
Maybe as i eventually pop my clogs, ill be lucky enough to fall into one... What a way to start a wake lol

Thank you jets, I dont feel old either sir..

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

Written on my 67th B-day and I still don't feel old. Older but not old. Keep the music coming!

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

Thank you Lena and thank you deadstring.  Angels Share... sounds like it could be the name of a really good song.  Happy birthday deadstring - I hope give it a try. When I wrote it I felt that just reading the song you could come up with many different ways to play and sing it. I think that's great...I sing it kind of like I remember folks singing around where I grew up in western NC.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

hi jets,

very profound, here i am threatening 60 (well 59) i only feel old when my grandkids want to play chase or something active, it takes a while for my breath to catch-up these days.

great song


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

Hi Jeff,

I'm closing in on 56...or is it 57. ??? By the time I figure it out I'll be in my sixties lol

Remembering all the good times keeps me young at heart.
Thanks for this


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

Way back when I was 56, I had my birthday party at Fly Creek Cafe. I brought my big P.A. system and did a pickers circle with some of my guitar buddies. The police shut us down at 11 P.M.
That made me feel good because I figured I can't be too far over the hill if I can raise enough cain at my party to get the police involved.
I'm looking at turning 69 soon and have decided never to grow all the way up. If my playing starts to suck, I depend on my true friends to tell me before I make a complete fool out of myself.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: I Still Don't Feel Old

Hey Toots - What really got me to write this was looking at a picture of me last weekend that after working my butt off and not sleeping enough...I looked older than I ever have but what I was thinking was "I don't feel that old", but I did feel that tired. I have my 50th coming up this year and I remember growing up thinking 50 was almost in the grave. I'm thinking different now a days and I still remember my teenage years and not so long ago.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C