Topic: Those Three Little Words

Those Three Little Wordsby Wayne Fiala

Inspired by Chordie Forum members

[1]His eyes are open, yet he does not see,

the love I have for him, deep inside of me.

[2]His heart beats I know, I hear it, when my ear,

is upon his chest, I wonder though,

what he hears, when his ear,

is at my brest.

[3]I feel his love, as our child grows,

within my womb. He says nothing,

so how he feels, I can only assume.

[4]I've mentioned flowers,

but I've gotten none.

His new golf clubs are really nice,

I'll bet he's having lots of fun.

[5]I never hear "those three little words",

and I don't know why?  I ask often enough,

I get no answer.  What else can I do, but cry.

[6]I fix my hair and wear his favorite dress.

But he's not here.  He's too busy,

telling someone else,

"I love you".

I guess?

Re: Those Three Little Words

I love it when my sweet wife meets me at the door on pay day with those three little words, "Where's the money?"

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Those Three Little Words

Excellent Jody Wayne,

You nailed it sir.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Those Three Little Words

tubatooter1940 wrote:

I love it when my sweet wife meets me at the door on pay day with those three little words, "Where's the money?"

I could write a song about that!  Good one tubatooter.  lol

Re: Those Three Little Words

Old Doll wrote:

Excellent Jody Wayne,

You nailed it sir.

Old Doll.

Thanks Old Doll.  You take care.

Re: Those Three Little Words

jasonhague321 wrote:

I love this poem, I hate those 3 words


Hi Jason,
Thank you sir.
lol, jodyWayne