Topic: Taking Every Chance.

I guess this one comes to everyone.

Taking Every Chance.

I'm taking every chance
To say that I love you.
Taking every chance
Just to spend time with you
Taking every chance
To hold and to kiss you.
I'm taking every chance
To show that I love you.

It didn't take much
To shake me to the core.
The thought that I might lose you,
Nothin' more.
I stood outside the ward doors,
Watched the nurses pass
My stomach like a lump of lead
Fear catchin' at my breath.

Twenty years of gettin' by
Twenty years of graftin'
Twenty years of forgettin' you
Yet you're what I was missin'
I'll never get that time back,
There's no buy one get one free.
I'll make the most of what we've left
Make time for you and me.

I'll push aside the curtains
Let the sun light up your face,
If I could stop myself from cryin'
I'd maybe tidy up the place.
But I sit here by the bedside
And count the beatings of your heart
And swear I'm gonna change
And make a brand new start.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Taking Every Chance.

hi stran,

wow, very powerful piece.
i've stood out-side the hospital ward doors too many times my self, it's not a place i like being. parents, in-laws, children and worst of all my wife (4 years ago she had a very serious op) i can even empathise with the lost years, as i met my wife at 16, we didn't get on so we lost touch for 15 years, then we met again, fell in love and the rest is history...
the last part you have all to yourself, i've never smoked or drank heavily and never taken drugs or been nasty to anyone. but it is all there, marvelous, you've captured reality and made a very gritty and realistic poem.

congratulations 10 out of 10


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

3 (edited by Frequent Flyer 2010-03-15 02:14:50)

Re: Taking Every Chance.

A few of us take some things (special ones?) for granted then suddenly find ourselves scambling and begging for a little more time.  Time to truely love, or repent or make good on old promises or commit to new ones.  Maybe even seek redemption.  The plan is simple and well known.  Remind them how special they are every opportunity.  Executing the plan, well.............  That sound, StranSongs is my applause for a fine, fine piece.

Re: Taking Every Chance.

Hi StranSongs,

Yes, this one sooner or later does come to everyone.

I feel your pain and the love.  After ten years, still going through it with my wife.

You deserve a pat on the back, for hanging in there, and for the poem.

Well done... Very well done!

Take care, jodyWayne

Re: Taking Every Chance.

I really like this Stran, altho it made me sad; a moving piece; excellently written. thanks for sharing.  -T

Re: Taking Every Chance.

Hi Strans,

Id rather be lost to the mystery of chance ! Then to die leaving this universe and myself wondering, "What If "

Beautiful piece of work..

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !