1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-02-17 23:39:26)

Topic: Holes In Her Walls

Holes In Her Wallsby Wayne Fiala

[D]There are holes in her walls, in her [A]bedroom and the hall, that re[G]minds her of her [D]pain.

There is blood on her bed, [A]where she lays her head, that re[G]minds her of her [D]shame.

She's a prisioner in her home.When he's gone, he [A]locks her in there all alone.

She can't [G]call family or friends, he's ripped out all the [D]phones.

There are [G]holes in her walls, in her [D]bedroom and the hall, that re[A]minds her of her [D]pain.

There is [G]blood on her bed, [D]where she lays her head, that re[A]minds her of her [D]shame. She

[G]cries every day, she doesn't [D]wanna live this way, what he [A]does to her [G]is a cryin [D]shame.

He comes home drunk every night.He [A]doesn't treat her right.He's [G]violent and he's [D]mean.

[D]At three AM, she's a [A]slave in her kitchen, she can't [G]do anything [D]right.

She [G]knows there'll be another, beating [D]tonight. He slaps her around, he [A]knocks her down.

He [G]curses and he yells, and he kicks her while she's [D]down.

There are [G]holes in her walls, in her [D]bedroom and the hall, that re[A]minds her of her [D]pain.

There is [G]blood on her bed, [D]where she lays her head, that re[A]minds her of her [D]shame. She

[G]cries every day, she doesn't [D]wanna live this way, what he [A]does to her [G]is a cryin [D]shame.

He grabbs her by her hair, he [A]draggs her to the bed, he's [G]violent and he's [D]mean. When he's

had his way, he [A]calmly walks away, as she [G]lays in her bed and covers her [D]head. She [G]cries

every day, she doesn't [D]wanna live this way, she [A]loves him but she can't, [G]face another [D]day.

There are holes in her walls, in her [A]bedroom and the hall, that re[G]minded her of her [D]pain.

There is blood on her bed, where she [A]used to lay her head, that re[G]minded her of her [D]shame.

She [G]cried every day,she [D]couldn't live that way,what he [A]did to her [G]is a cryin [D]shame.

They had her funeral today, she didn't de[A]serve to die that way.[G]Isn't that a cryin [D]shame!

Can be viewed at:  http://www.youtube.com   Type the name of the song in the search box.

2 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-02-17 23:45:23)

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Hello everyone.  Another video up and running.  And this is a new song.  It addresses a very important issue.  Spousal Abuse!

I don't know why the url is not working???
http://www.youtube.com  Type the name of the song in the search box.

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Nice write Jody...but the vids not playing for me. sad
Must be a bugaboo some where...hope to see it.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Sorry Kenny.  I can't figure out why the link is not working.

Re: Holes In Her Walls

No, it didnt work for me either,

I used your other link to listen. I also left a comment.

I would love to hear one of the Women Gems of country music singing this song also.

Jody Wayne, i admire your courage to youtube. I hope your enjoying your new life in cyber.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Hi jody
Well done for getting up in front of the camera and giving it go.
A liked the ballard with a message with a folky country feel.
If you use this link
it will take you to your Utube channel where all your songs are.
You could add it to you profile so it would appear under your id and email.
Just a thought

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Thanks Old Doll, Arkady, Kenny, and everyone.  I really appreciate your support.  If it wern't for you folks there probably would be no videos.  Thank you with all my heart.

I don't know how much longer my voice will hold up.  I have a problem in my larynx.  I fear the worse.  I hope to get all my songs either on recording or video before it's too late.  That way at least someone will know the rhythm and melody for them.

Thanks again, jodyWayne

8 (edited by Phill Williams 2010-02-18 19:13:12)

Re: Holes In Her Walls

wow, powerful piece my friend.

i've tried on occasion to write about wife-beaters and abusers, but i haven't managed to hit the spot like you have here, so well done.

my wife was abused by her first husband, and oddly enough most of the girls i went out with before we met, no wonder they all wanted to marry me.

there must be something about boring that is attractive after a beating!

i'd rather be boring, in fact i'm proud of it!

i like this well done....i'd like it more if i could hear it...


ps, got there in the end...nice piece

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Phill Williams wrote:

there must be something about boring that is attractive after a beating!

First off powerful song that's for sharing ; very nice to play.

I like Phill's quote...there might be a song there!!!!!

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Holes In Her Walls

Thank you Phill
Thank you geoaguiar
They have made many movies about this subject, and there are a few songs as well.  I wanted to write a song that has the power to get your attention.  I wanted the song's heart to scream out and say: This is unacceptable!
Phill's quote... yes, there just might be a song there?  Phill I would get on that right away if I were you.