Topic: Memphis Minnie and Fats Waller

Looking for tab/chords for "In My Girlish Days" sung by Memphis Minnie and also "Don't Let It Bother You" sung by Fats Waller.
I'm all about longshots!   Grateful thanks,  Ajay

Re: Memphis Minnie and Fats Waller

U-Tube has both. Memphis minnie at:

Chords sound like G,G7,C D7

Fats Waller at:

Chords sound fairly simple. May have time to scull them out for you later. Piano is in C.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Memphis Minnie and Fats Waller

Holy cats, a reply!  Sorry for not checking and responding sooner  : )    I have both songs on cds,  just wasn't confident I could figure out the chords.  Thanks for the help - I'll use your suggestions as a starting place!
all the best,