1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-02-01 18:01:17)

Topic: "I'm Loosin My Mind Over You"

I'm Loosin My Mind Over Youby Wayne Fiala

Do you re[D]member,when we said I [G]do,You [A]promised to be faithfull,

I promised to be [D]true,I've keept my promis,but you went a[G]stray,

Now I'm [A]sittin here thinkin-N-drinkin my pain and my sorrow [D]away.

And I'm loosin my[D]mind,Sittin here thinkin N thinkin bout [A]you.

I don't know what went wrong, but I know this cain't be right,

and I'm loosin my mind over [D]you.

Do you re[D]member,the fun trip we [G]had,We were [A]travelin to Texas,when that storm

gotreal[D]bad.There was Thunder and Lightining,you jumped right in my [G]lap.

[A]I couldn't see, with you in front of me,I ran off the road, and we got two [D]flats.

You cried for an hour, while I held you [G]tight.And [A]when it was over,

we went to a hotel,and we had ourselves,"One hell of a [D]night"!

And I'm loosin my[D]mind,Sittin here thinkin N thinkin bout [A]you.

I don't know what went wrong, but I know this caint be right,

and I'm loosing my mind over [D]you.

Do you re[D]member, our little house in Dickinson [G]Texas, It was [A]just down the road

from a great country-N-western [D]club. Well it was yourbirthday,so I took you [G]there.

We did some [A]drankin and dancin, romancin was in [D]the air.We was havin our selves

a good time that [G]night. But, I [A]kinda got plastered and kinda got in a [D]fight.

Cops showed up and took me to [G]jail,and [A]it was the next day, before you could post

[d]bail.That was one of the best times I ever [G]had. I [A]thought it was kinda funny,

but girl you kinda, got hoppin [D]mad!

And I'm loosin my[D]mind,Sittin here thinkin N thinkin bout [A]you.

I don't know what went wrong, but I know this cain't be right,

and I'm loosin my mind over [D]you.

Do you re[D]mimber, the day you walked out on [G]me. And the [A]note that you left said,

I need to be [D]free. I hear you're back in Vegas, Livin in a big fancy [G]hotel.

Well [A]I'm glad you're happy, and doin so [D]well.But I have some questions that's been

on my [G]mind;Was [A]I all that bad? And why did you take Rover?That dog was [D]mine!

And I'm loosin my[D]mind...Think I'm goin [D]crazy,[A]Loosin my mind over [D]you....

Re: "I'm Loosin My Mind Over You"

"Is Chopro Broke"!!!!  I can't get it to work!!!!  I think I did it right????  Crap, I'm loosin my mind!!!!  Crap again, I'm goin to bed!

Re: "I'm Loosin My Mind Over You"

Hi jody
Just a little mistake in the chopro there in the 1st bracketed word song you've got a capital "S" it should be a low case "s" small but just enough to throw the Chopro off  smile
just edit the post and it should work ok.
How's the recording coming along...

Re: "I'm Loosin My Mind Over You"

arkady wrote:

Hi jody
Just a little mistake in the chopro there in the 1st bracketed word song you've got a capital "S" it should be a low case "s" small but just enough to throw the Chopro off  smile
just edit the post and it should work ok.
How's the recording coming along...

Hi Ark,
JodyWayne said:  And they let me fly airplanes?

I have the recording all figured out.  Now I just need to get over the stage fright.

Thanks for bailing me out, "again".

quote:  It's the little things in life that count.  "s"