Topic: North Dakota Wacadoo


I just built a N.D Wacadoo, a local band has a drummer that does a couple songs using his Nebraska Wacadoo. His looks better than mine. He uses an old fence post and has more gadgets on it than mine.

I wanted to keep it kinda light so my grandson Luke could handle it. I used a post hole digger handle about $10 and a rubber for the bottom $2.00  and some screws and some old Motorcycle license plates and drumsticks were $ 6.00  I was gettin kinda full of beer last night before I had enough beer caps, I think I used about 48 of them smile

Look for an upcoming video of Luke and I Jammin  smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: North Dakota Wacadoo

Wayne, that is pretty awesome... can't wait to hear it!  It gives me an idea of how to get around my issues of playing my guitar with the kids around (they always try to hijack my guitar)... pots and pans and let them be the drummers.  THANK YOU!  Hmmm... if they like that, maybe I'll have the hubster make them a Wackadoo!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

3 (edited by wlbaye 2010-01-24 16:11:07)

Re: North Dakota Wacadoo

Here's a vid of the Jalan Crossland Band, Andy is the drummer that has kinda made the wacadoo famous in this part of the country. His has a Nebaska License plate on it.

About 3 minutes in Andy does a wacadoo solo smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: North Dakota Wacadoo

Great link and great sound Wlbaye,

I  never heard of  a wacadoo before.  I live and learn.

48 beer botttle    tops !!! Im surprised your still in the land of the living sir lol

We tend to play spoons around these parts. We just dispose  the bottle tops ! Hmm, new business here somewhere .

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