1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-02-12 02:06:59)

Topic: "Love Is For Ever"

Love Is For Everby Wayne Fiala

[C]Roses are pretty, in the spring, but [G7]they soon wilt [C]away.

[C]Poseys are pretty, in the summer, but [G7]when winter comes, they go a-[C]way.

[C]Morning Glories are pretty, all the year-round, but [G7]they only last one [C]day.

[F]Love is beautifull day after [C]day, [F]unlike a flower, [G7]love never go'es a-[C]way.

[F]Love is forever, love'll always be [C]here, Love a[F]bides in our [G7]hearts, year after [C]year.

[G7]You [C]still have that flower I gave you, the [G7]day I ask you to marry [C]me?

[C]You said you would keep it for ever, it [G7]would always remind you of that [C]day.

[C]I still have that flower, I [G7]picked from your wedding bo[C]quet.

[C]I still have it saved in my bible, I [G7]still look at it every [C]day.

[F]Love is beautifull day after [C]day, [F]unlike a flower, [G7]love never go'es a-[C]way.

[F]Love is forever, love'll always be [C]here, love a[F]bides in our [G7]hearts, year after [C]year.

[G7]On our [C]first aniversary, we had a candle light dinner, I [G7]gave you a rose in a [C]vase.

[C]Our love still go'es on, but that rose is long gone, and a-[G7]nother rose now takes it's [C]place.

[G7]On our [C]golden aniversary, I took you on a cruse, [G7]far-far out to [C]sea.I gave you some

pretty flowers, they only lasted a few hours, but [G7]you're still here with [C]me.

[F]Love is beautifull day after [C]day, [F]unlike a flower, [G7]love never go'es a-[C]way.

[F]Love is forever, love'll always be [C]here, love a[F]bides in our [G7]hearts, year after [C]year.

[G7]Our [C]time here is done now, there's lots of flowers here now, to [G7]send us on our [C]way.

[C]We'll travel together, on a heavenly rainbow, with [G7]colors like a floral a-[C]rray.And the

[F]flowers we leave behind, will live only for a short time, but the [C]love we take with us,

will abide with-in-us,[G7]through-out... all... eterni[C]ty... [G7]XX

[C]Roses are pretty, in the spring, but [G7]they soon wilt a-[C]way.

[C]Poseys are pretty, in the summer, but [G7]when winter comes, they go a-[C]way.

[C]Morning Glories are pretty, all the year-round, but [G7]they only last one [C]day.

[F]Love is forever,love'll always be [C]here,love a[F]bides in our [G7]hearts,year after [C]year.

[G7]XX... [C]Love is forever, forever... and... ever... [G7]Love never go'es a-[C]way... [G7]XX... [C]X.

Re: "Love Is For Ever"

Lovely sentiments attached here. I love flowers.

One of my favourite possessions is a California Thistle i received  as a gift. Its dried now and framed.
But beautiful to look at.

http://www.birdmom.net/WildflowersPink/ … 7-05CU.jpg

nice work.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Love Is For Ever"

Thank you. I'm glad you liked the song.  California Thistle, not a plant loved by many.  Take care, jodyWayne

Re: "Love Is For Ever"

hi jody a lovely floral medley ,love the 'LOVE' element in the song,well done.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Love Is For Ever"

Hi daddycool,
Thank you!  My wife gave me some nice kisses when I wrote this one.  lol
Love and flowers just seemed to go together.
I'm going to slow down posting songs for a bit.  I want to chang all I have posted to chopro format.  I want to finish a song I just started.  And I want to spend some time looking at the work all of you have done.  I'm sure i'll find some really good stuff.

Until next time, take care sir,  JodyWayne