1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-03-08 18:43:06)

Topic: "A Soon To Be Lady"

A Soon To Be Lady by: Wayne Fiala

[D]She is our [G]baby, a soon to be [D]lady.And, I thank [A]God he gave [D]her to me.

The day she was [D]born,God [A]came to me in a [D]dream. Said:I've given you a daughter,

now she is your [G]baby,a soon to be [D]lady. And, [A]she is precious to [D]me.

[G]Be sure to love her, [D]take good care of her.And, [A]this is the way things, will [D]be.

She's three days [D]old, the weather is [A]cold.I'm drivng her home to our little [D]farm.

Mommy sings her a song.And [A]cuddels her close to keep her [D]warm.

She is our [G]baby, a soon to be [D]lady.And, [A]she is precious to [D]me.

As the days go [D]by,sometimes she [A]cries.And, gets little baby tears in her little baby [D]eyes.

Mommy rocks her in the cradle. And she, [G]sings her a song that I [D]wrote about her.

And Mommy's [A]voice sounds like the [G]voice of an an[D]gel. She should [G]be on TV,

singing on stage at-the [D]Grand Old Opry.And [A]somehow I knew, this is the way things, would [D]be.

In the blink of an [D]eye, time passes [A]by:And, she's a little bit [D]older.

[D]She comes to me,and [A]cries on my [D]sholder.She says:Daddy, my [G]boyfriend just broke-up

with [D]me.Oh, [A]I love him, but he [D]doesn't love me, and [A]now, my life is [D]over!I said: Sweetheart,

your [G]boyfriend didn't just [D]brake up with you.[A]God sent him a[D]way.And, [G]in his own time,

and [D]in his own way, he'll [A]send to you,Mr. Right,some [D]day.And [A]somehow I knew,

this is the way things, would [D]be.

In the blink of an [D]eye, time passes [A]by:And, She's a little bit [D]older.

[D]It's Late at night.From her [A]room I hear her sing-N-play gui[D]tar.And she's [G]singing a song

that she [D]wrote about me. And her, [A]voice sounds [G]just like her [D]mothers. She should [G]be on TV,

singing on stage at the [D]Grand Ol Opry.And, [A]somehow I knew, this is the way things, would [D]be.

In the blink of an [D]eye, time passes [A]by:And, She's a little bit [D]older.

[D]She comes to me,again she [A]cries on my [D]shoulder.She says:Daddy, I'm [G]going away,

I'm [D]leaving today.I'm [A]goin to Memphis Tenne[D]ssee. I'm gonna to [G]be on TV,

I'm gonna sing the songs you [D]wrote about me.

Daddy, I'm gonna make, [A]you and Mommy, proud of [D]me.

And [A]somehow I knew, this is the way things, would [D]be.

In the blink of an [D]eye, time passes [A]by:And, She's quite a bit [D]older.

Now she's in [G]NashVille Tennessee.We're watchin [D]her on TV.She's [A]singing on stage at the

[G]Grand Ol [D]Opry.She's [G]singing the songs that I [D]wrote about her. And she's, [A]singing the

songs that she [D]wrote about me.And, [A]somehow I knew, this is the way things, would [D]be.

God sent her,Mr. [D]Right.Now [G]she has a baby, a [D]soon to be lady, and [A]she is precious to

[D]me...And, [A]somehow I knew, this is the way things, would [D]be.

Re: "A Soon To Be Lady"

Jody Wayne !

THIS IS A DIVINE PIECE. It just moves like good smooth honey.

I love it.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "A Soon To Be Lady"

hi jody love the way you've captured lifes ups and downs and then a lovely ending to the story,very heartfelt and touching.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "A Soon To Be Lady"

Thank you sir.  I loved writing this song.  It was fun.  Take care, jody Wayne