Topic: i need help with strumming patterns

hey yall i just need a hand with a couple strumming patterns. i havent devolped the skill to figure it out by ear cause i am new to guitar but the cords i can do..but the songs i want to learn are little joe the wrangler and then I can still make chyenne

any help would be great yall

2 (edited by Zurf 2009-12-12 21:25:12)

Re: i need help with strumming patterns

Do a search on advice for how to figure out strum patterns, pour yourself a cold drink and settle down for an evening's read.  There's been some good discussions on this topic in the recent past.  You can do the search from the dark blue bar up above the ad and below the tabs for Artists, Songs, etc. 

In the meanwhile, you can feel good about yourself that just about everyone reading this column has needed help with strum patterns at one time or another.

Edit to add: Check out the strumming pattern videos that are a sticky at the top of this forum.  They aren't the songs you want, but you can apply what you learn to the songs you want to do. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: i need help with strumming patterns

Hey x4pickuptruck, i have created a disscusion page about this - strumming patterns for learners - hope this helps,

chordiehelper123 =p

'The journey maybe long, but in the end, its only with your trusty guitars'
Chordiehelper123  =p

4 (edited by tweedy0_9 2009-12-20 16:03:30)

Re: i need help with strumming patterns

HI x4pickuptruck.

I am new to playing as well and there are so many songs I would like to learn. What I do to get a strum pattern is to go onto youtube and type in the name of the song with the word cover at the end.

Once I find the song I flick through a few versions to find the one I like. I make sure that I can clearly see the guitar that is being played so that I can see the chords being played are the same chords from chordie and also the strum pattern. I just count as they strum 1 & 2 & 3 etc. The ands are upstrums.

This is how I've been doing it and it works fine for me. I can normally have a strum pattern figured out after about 30 to 40 minutes of searching. I've only been playing 4 months so I'm no expert.

Chordiehelper123 has avery good post as well.