Topic: I can Feel the Frost Come.
Just trying to keep my hand in while the building work comes to an end ( maybe this week, maybe next ! Builders !)
I can Feel the Frost Come.
I can feel the frost come.
Like I can feel there's something wrong,
I can feel the cold night
Whle it's still warm, while it's still bright.
And I know just to look at you
That somethin' sure ain't right.
I watch you workin'
Away on down in the valley below.
See tiredness in your movement
Tryin' to catch the breathe you spent
I know just to look at you
That you need time to mend.
But there's no-one else.
None to lift the burden high.
The kids are all now up and gone,
The draught horse all but halt and done.
I know just to look at you
You won't close that gate for long.
Fences won't mend themselves,
Fallen walls succumb to moss
And latches on the byre door rust,
While you do just the things you must.
Sometimes the firewood takes all day
Yet lies in ashes in the morning mist.
And here's the hand I offered you
Warm beneath the saddle blanket
And there's the sass and pride that burnt
Across your face when help you spurned.
The land is mine when you are gone.
You thought I held your shroud, and turned.