Topic: Jenny

I know of at least one other here that like this band called "Jenny"
when i was first told the name I thought " oh no not a female band with a woman singing ,lol. but no burds in it,

they are from Canada. They are all from seperate bands I think but join together to do this project called jenny.

they have one album out just now and another being released very soon. I just bought their album from itunes and I like them a lot. They describe themselves as punk/folk, I am still undecided if I agree with this genre for them but i would not know what to class them as although it is sort of folkie and punky so it probably is,lol.

Here is the singer doing an acoustic version of their new song " Dear Laura" or maybe it is just called Laura?  Ihave seen it as both so maybe they have not decided on a final name yet.

what do you think of this song? they also have a myspace page too with 4 songs to hear

enjoy the music and scenery.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending