bswyers wrote:My daughter just bought a violin/fiddle from the local music store and while I was looking at it I noticed there was no finish on the back of the neck. Not being a fiddler(although goodwife says I fiddle around) I was just curious,is this normal or did the shop take advantage of my daughters lack of knowledge and sell her a piece of junk. Also if anyone can direct me/her to some links with lessons as there are no violin instructors around here that I'm aware of,that would be great. The local music shop is of no help here offering only beginner guitar lessons and not much else. I appreciate any input from anyone with any experience at all.
I play fiddle. Having said that, I will tell you, that I wouldn't worry about the neck not having any finish on it. As far as getting started, I have found a site that I think is really, good as far as internet learning goes. It would be nice if you could find someone locally, to teach your daughter, but if you want to look toward the internet, here is a link you might want to check out: (click on the link, or, copy and paste this link into your address bar)
I stumbled onto this site, a year or so ago, and I will tell you, that it is (in my opinion), a good one. It is for not only the beginner, but for anyone . You can get beginners books and courses, as well as CD's . The accomplished musician would do well to visit this site also. There are things that would interest most musicians on this site. It is not only for violins but other instruments, (guitar, banjo, etc.), as well.
I hope this helps you. Keep in touch. I'd be curious as to what you end up doing.