Topic: Billy Currington-People are Crazy

I need some help with this song. If any one can help thats great.

GuItAr PlAyEr

2 (edited by tubatooter1940 2009-08-08 19:57:09)

Re: Billy Currington-People are Crazy

Hi FenderRoks,
There are only four chords in the song. Billy Currington put a capo on the fifth fret so he could sing in the key of F and use key of C fingerings.
So put your capo on any fret you please or sing low in C. The chord progression is (usually) C,G,A minor and F. Sometimes the order changes but it has to be one of those chords.
Git it on, country,

P.S. I found it on you tube at:

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?