Topic: What should I listen to?

Hi Peeps! Long time no see.... Sorry!

So, I would like something new and inspiring to listen to. Most of you know I am really into the country and folk thang!  What would you recommend!?!

How are you all by the way?!xxxxx

Re: What should I listen to?

Dont know about everyone else but i am doing great.

I would recommend you randomly looking through some public songbooks thats what I do for new ideas. I might look through 5 or 6 books and get one or two new songs.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

3 (edited by KajiMa 2009-07-27 17:00:33)

Re: What should I listen to?

Hey Tine!

I'd been away 'til recently too; s'good to be back and great to hear from you.

Hhhmmm, Country and Folk (and obviously guitar 'cause you're here big_smile )

Try listening to Martin Simpson's "Prodigal Son" album. He can make the most accomplished guitarists wince at trying to play like him (and I'm not accomplished!), but I found him to be really inspiring and I do one of his a-la-JJ which is now one of my 10 or 12 killers. cool

If you're trying to expand from what you like or are used to, try flitting through different radio stations and see what tickles your ear bone.

When I reached the point of needing new direction I found myself exploring jazz standards and now have songs and choons by Trenet, Porter, Ellington and more.

Explore, have fun, let us know!

Gans pup bollonjeth oll da!


<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<

Re: What should I listen to?

The best thing to do would be to go to Youtube and enter in some of your favorite singers and have a listen.  When you find something you like, come back here and get the tab.  I like old country alot and I do that often.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: What should I listen to?

Justin Townes Earle.  Steve Earle's son.  The kid is amazing, and a better songwriter than his old man.  And that's saying something.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: What should I listen to?

They're not on Chordie, but try some Goose Creek Symphony, do a search on youtube "though the video's there aren't well produced Myspace has some ok, but do a search to sites that let you listen to the songs, their first 4 albums are best, as well as their last one now, it's absolutely great music, I Gosh Darn Gaurantee it!!!


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: What should I listen to?

I recommend surfing around in CDBaby and seeing if the samples get your interest.  If they do, then start buying some CDs from iindependent artists.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude