Topic: Chords options

First may I say this is the best website I've come across so far. I'm a beginner guitar player and have find this website immensely helpful, especially since I'm terrible in reading tabs so thanks!

If there ever is something I may suggest, that would be that the chords screen moves down with the music as you scroll along. I keep finding myself having to stop the auto-scroll to go back for a look at a certain chord or two.
But I'm sure it's probably a lot harder to do than it sounds smile

Thanks again for a great website!

Re: Chords options

hi minette yea it is a little tough to try and read and scroll at the same time but if you have a printer you can print the song if you dont you can copy and paste it into your word program and change the size of the font (letters) so there a little smaller and it fits so you can see all of the words and chords but a printer would be nice smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Chords options

hi minette

Once you learn chords ( and you will) you will find you wont need the chord chart much. I do still use it for the odd one or two.
If I can give some advice though, dont try too much at one time.
Try songs with the same chords in them i.e. songs with G,C,D, or G,C,Am etc. give yourself a wee group of chords to practice first so you can change without thinking.
It will come to you as it has done everyone else.

good luck and welcome to chordie


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending