1 (edited by Om 2009-07-07 01:03:47)

Topic: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Hello Chordie-
Let me introduce myself, my name is Jason I have played lead guitar with many different rock bands and sang as well. I was the lead guitar player and back-up vocals for Peter Cornell Brother of Chis Cornell (AudioSlave & Soundgarden) in his band Black Market Radio. I was the lead singer in a Heavy Band Quick Kill Formula (www.myspace.com/quickkillformula ) we we're' talking to Dime Bag from Pantera / Damage Plan on producing our 2nd Quick Kill record in Texas before he was killed! Our lead guitar player of QKF is the teacher of the great Marc Rizzo of SoulFly. I also Have a stoner Rock Band known as the RIVA project (www.myspace.com/rivamusic ). And at the Riva studio we have worked with guys like Brant Bjork from Kyuss and early Queens of the Stone Age as well as Marcus from the Nothing Project. ( www.myspace.com/nothingproject )

I have Toured with Many great bands on the road from the jam bands like Clutch, The Bakerton Group, Beck MTV1997 to heavier groups like Sworn enemy, Anthrax, E-town Concrete, Agents of Man, OverKill, El Nino, 3 Inches of Blood,  DRI, Biohazrd, FIlter, Fuel and 3 Doors Down. I recorded at SONY & the Hit Factory in NYC to make the Quick Kill Formula record, at the time Coldplay was there as well as MatchBox 20 and a girl i met yes >Britney Spears< which many of you know about since it was all over the press ( so i had a little thing with her one night geeze); she was just there practicing for the VMA's because it was the year she kissed Madonna.

I also did some guitar work for a great blues band called "Jim Hayes and the Buddha Brains" ( www.myspace.com/buddhabrains ) check it out. During my tour with Cornell at the House of Blues, hours before my show i had the first of what would become many seizures and was rushed to the hospital. Shortly after i checked myself out and played the show without a hitch just to be fired later by the band once they could find a replacement (thats support from your band huh). Turns out in my late 20's early 30's i developed adult onset epilepsy very badly which anyone can get anytime for no reason! This became hard to deal with for me physically and emotionally, All my bands stood by me except for the guys from Black Market Radio who had the nerve to do an interview an say i OD'ed before that show and was fired; ah you must love the rock & roll ego's some people have they would not want epilespy making their band look bad. Anyway Im hear to tell others who my have epilepsy not to let it get you down because i know how much i lost and how depressed i was when my world crashed. Oh and my girl of 4 years left me soon after as well.

I have had many big seizures once i stopped breathing. And yes i had to take a brake from my passion in my life which was music. I was on top of the world playing in 3-4 bands touring and recording in some of the biggest studios money can buy but it can all go away in the blink of an eye. So live, love and enjoy your talent to do what you do if you have the opportunity to do your music and your healthly. Im presently still battling epilepsy and take meds everyday, Im working on another record and Im making an acoustic record. The up's and downs of all this have been crazy and i now help the epilepsy foundation with other celebs, to raise money and attention; our spokes person Paul the piano player from the David Letterman Late Show has been helping, as well as many others like Prince who recently told the world about his struggle with epilepsy.

Im hoping others will speak out and hoping artists and bands will get involved in functions we have for epilepsy and on purpleday which is national epilepsy day. I will be posting some of my songs on this site with the words and cords, please goto my website for more information on all this and please check out the links page for the www.purpleday.org link for events to help get involved. And also respond here as well.

My name is Jason S FIlyaw and Im a Singer, SongWriter, Musician with Epilepsy!!  Come talk if you have a similar problem, or know someone who does.
please visit my site and lets help these foundations-
And Bands out there work with your band mates if they have epilepsy, try and show some support as long as they can play and perform their duties as a band mate epilepsy is no instant reason for getting rid of them.


Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Hi Jason and welcome to chordie

At first when i looked i thought you were just trying to advertise you and your music only.
But what a great introduction.
I have not got epilepsy but i have worked with quite a few that do have and seen quite a few as well as helping them get comfy when coming round again.

It is good that you carry on playing and writing even though you do not tour anymore.

I wish ye all the luck with the work ye do, to be honest I will not get involved in all the charity stuff that I used to do but i do hope folk will help with this chairty.

Looking forward to seeing ye songs.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Thats quite a list, most I like or at least heard of. Welcome to chordie

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Hi Jason and welcome to chordie!

Although metal has not been my thing for many years now, your resume' seems quite impressive. I hope you hang around as I am sure you have much to offer the fine folks here.

Best of luck in the management of your epilepsy.


Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!


Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Thanks for the Comments everyone! Yes jeff i have not done just metal and for the metal i ahve done it has been with the real guys i was with Dime Bag from Pantera / Damage Plan 3 days before he was shot on stage - And If you like blues you should def check out the Buddha Brains link above.  Im hoping to add some input to the cornell links since i have played Chris's guitar that wrote spoonman and most of the Bad Motorfinger record! The Epilepsy did ruin my life but then i said F**K that and started to look for real doctors to help and fight back. I was told not bright lights loud music, strobs etc. and that was basically the music bizz!

Anyway Im lookin to meet some cool people and maybe inspire some others with epilespy to keep rockin- There was a time people could google my music but after the press called me Britney Spears new boyfriend, well now you google me and that basically dominates my music sites! dam it!! Again hoping to get to know some cool bands & artists on here!!


Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Hi Jason and a big ole welcome to Chordie! Glad you found us.  Looking foward to sharing musical stories, etc., with you.

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Welcome aboard Jason! Epilepsy is rough, I wish you and all that suffer with it the best. Bravo, for keeping your chin up and pressing on! They say the measure of a man isn't how hard he can hit, but rather, how hard he can get hit and keep going!
My Uncle had epilepsy... He was a great man whom everyone loved and supported, but ,unfortunatly, he really struggled with it and took his own life several years back...... It affects more than just the ones that suffer from it....  Thanks for raising awareness! -Pix

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Hi Jason welcome that is quite an impressive resume its unfortunate ignorance and fear of your condition from former members interfered with your career but you seem to have a good attitude and are dealing with the reality of what life has dealt you best wishes and good fortune and long life smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Hello Friends, let me introduce myself- & Lets Do Good Things!

Jason where will you perfrom in the future?