Topic: Hello In There,Lesson John Prine

Hello Everyone,

I had a couple people email me and wanted me to do a closeup vid and tips on "Hello In There" by John Prine.I know I don't pick it right pattern wise but I have done it this way so long I am not changing today anyway.

Later, Wayne P

Re: Hello In There,Lesson John Prine

Nice work on that Wayne I have been doing the song for awhile but when I learned it I didn't know how to fingerpick but it sounded ok then I took a course and it sounds more like what you were doing which is closer to what John Prine did then what I was doing before,nice playing and good vocal smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Hello In There,Lesson John Prine

Thanks Russ,

I was just playing it again and notice that I also use my index finger to up strum as I'm switching chords alot. I think the song sounds good however you strum or pick it,the fretting hand seems to be more important.I never had the opportunity to take lessons and I've had to undo alot of bad habits as I go,but I have alot of fun!

Later, Wayne P

Re: Hello In There,Lesson John Prine

Good job Wayne. John Prine is a fav of mine so I'll be practicing this one and the others you have posted.

Thanks for the links and the work done on them smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Hello In There,Lesson John Prine

wayne wayne wayne

What can I say other than the comment I left on youtubio


You have a fantastic voice.
If you are loaded with lots of spare money and you have spare time whenever ye want it then you should get over to isle of Jura folk festival this year. lol

My wife has no time for John Prine, whenever I play any of his songs she puts her violin or mandolin down and/or walks out the room.
When I played your clip she loved your playing and commented on your singing.
So this is a winner, if it made my wife give a good comment then yer better than me lol

well done


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Hello In There,Lesson John Prine

Hey Thanks,

   I feel very weird and unsecure putting videos up. John Prine has been my hero since his first album and before I moved to Wyoming I played with some fella's from North Dakota that were just excellent doing his songs and kinda made me feel unworthy but I have been sucking it up lately and just doing it my way.

    Thanks Ken, you are too kind

Maybe you should think about coming to the Bighorn Mountain Festival in Buffalo,Wyoming July 10-12 it is toooo good of a time!

Buffalo is at the base of The Bighorn Mountains and is just Gorgeous.

Later, Wayne P