1 (edited by camdener 2009-06-08 15:59:49)

Topic: please read this!!!!

hi i really really wanna be in a band. i'm happy to join one or form one and i can play keyboard, guitar, bass, drumkit or sing. i'm a girl, 14, from north london. i'm into sort of indie/alt/rock. i'm serious about music but wanna have fun. please reply - there must be someone out there!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

Sounds like you're a one girl band already, very impressive! Sure you will get replies.
Welcome to Chordie & Good Luck!

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: please read this!!!!

thanks normtheguitar that gives me hope! but i still haven't heard from anyone!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

Have you thought of going to open-mic or jam nights locally (perhaps with friends or parents) & playing on your own? Preferably try a few to find one that is welcoming to new talent & not too rowdy! Probably the best way to meet like minded people.

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: please read this!!!!

i wish i could play with you but until i find out how to teleport to london from new england area i cant help you neutral wink

I don't have a good quote so I'm quoting myself... ok I'm done

Re: please read this!!!!

hey guys thanks for keeping me going. how can i find out about these jam nights and what exactly are they? they sound cool. but i'm still waiting for replies here!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

The usual jam nights are where you plug into the PA provided & do a song or two, on your own or with others, simples! Usually everyone plays in turn. Your local paper/what's on/gig guide should list them, or try www.folkjam.org. Or have a wander round local pubs that have bands on & ask some musicians, but be careful out there!
There must be other info on the web, too...

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

8 (edited by Syd1994 2009-06-02 21:02:48)

Re: please read this!!!!

yeah I'm in a similar situation.
I too am a girl of 14 and can play guitar and I'd  love to form a band with you but...I live in another country.

: (

by the way...I read a comment that you left on my post-real cool that you listen to Syd Barrett...one of my favourites!

"Policeman shouts but I don't see him/ They're one thing I don't believe in"
-Tomorrow, 'My White Bicycle'

9 (edited by camdener 2009-06-04 14:51:07)

Re: please read this!!!!

you like nirvana too! wow we'd get on well it's so annoying you're too far away

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

haha i wish i could play that many instruments. i just play lead guitar lol. but yea theres a big pond 'tween Georgia, U.S. and where ur at or i'd be on stage w ya haha. why dont u, instead of trying to join a band, start one. you sound like you dont really need anyone else to rock a gig. i've been trying to start one around here too, alt rock/heavy metal. i might have to get your oppinion on some of my stuff sometime.

11 (edited by Syd1994 2009-06-04 19:01:34)

Re: please read this!!!!

Yes I love Nirvana! not many people my age do

Yeah...nobody around here likes the same kinds of music i like, and if they do, they either can't play an instrument  or they don't want to join a band.

Let me know if you get a band started!

It's really too bad you live so far away.

"Policeman shouts but I don't see him/ They're one thing I don't believe in"
-Tomorrow, 'My White Bicycle'

Re: please read this!!!!

to blackthornelead: I'd love to hear some of your stuff and to the rest of the world: i'm still interested in any available musicians so please reply!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

haha ok i'll try to take a vid sometime soon. my stuff is a little different, i like to mix a lot of acoustic stuff in with some high end lead and such. but lately its been more acoustic driven than anything. do u write? (i'm 17 btw)

Re: please read this!!!!

that sounds amazing, just the kind of stuff i'm into. what bands do you like? yeah i do write but i need input from others!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

i like a little of everything really. i listen to anything from Van Halen to Dragonforce to Staind. i dont really have a favorite lol if it rocks i'm there. what about you?

Re: please read this!!!!

hey i like a lot of everything too but my favourite band is the kooks. i also love the vines and mystery jets. look them up if you don't know them!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

are there really no people out there who want to join me/me to join them? it's so annoying!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!


go to www.partysounds.co.uk    and put an advert up - you will get replies.


Stronger than the sun....harder than a gun

Re: please read this!!!!

thanks david, i did as suggested and am waiting for replies. it's actually surprising that there haven't been any yet. you'd think in a city as big as this...

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

Keep writing guys! I enjoy hearing from you all even though you're not offering your musicianship!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

hey guys, haven't been on the site in a while - what's been happening?

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

blackthornelead wrote:

haha i wish i could play that many instruments. i just play lead guitar lol. but yea theres a big pond 'tween Georgia, U.S. and where ur at or i'd be on stage w ya haha. why dont u, instead of trying to join a band, start one. you sound like you dont really need anyone else to rock a gig. i've been trying to start one around here too, alt rock/heavy metal. i might have to get your oppinion on some of my stuff sometime.

i was in georgia on holiday last week!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

Hey Camdener!

I would have thought that being in London you were best placed of anyone in the country to find like minded/aged musicians!

Have you done much research starting with your school? Where do the musical ones go? What do they read/watch/listen to?

Once you can begin to answer these questions you will know how to target the people you're after.

Alternatively, go round to every music shop, coffee bar where musos hang out, etc and leave an advert "Looking to form a band! Influences are ............ I play guitar and sing looking for Bass, K'bds, Drums (etc). Contact:.............."

I know you are a multi-instrumentalist, but you need to decide what you want to do in the band and keep the rest to yourself FOR THE TIME BEING - so you don't put people off (if people think you are streaks ahead of them in ability they will be put off contacting you!).

Have you thought about starting an Open Mic session at a cafe or local youth club if you can't find an existing one? Either you keep it acoustic or have to sort out a PA, but a lot of venues will do that for you if they can hear the till!

Don't give up! Don't become disheartened! There is plenty of  scope to get this accomplished, but it might not come together to your timescale; in the meantime, learn from the results of everything you do to bring this project home!

Oh, and Break a Leg in getting this sorted! cool

<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<

Re: please read this!!!!

wow thanks so much that's brilliant i'll start asap! problem is i don't know which instrument i want to focus on - i'm not very experienced with any of them. but that really is great advice which i will definitely use - thanks thanks thanks!

"In a mad world it is the mad who are sane" Craig Nicholls

Re: please read this!!!!

You're welcome smile You're welcome smile You're welcome smile


<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<