Topic: Never again

This is a reflection of something that I am going through right now. Something else to get off of my chest. I'd say we are due a spot of happiness now! Anyway, it's an uncomfortable subject but I hope you can see potential in my writing :-)

Never again.

Friends are sick of hearing it, how you broke my heart.
Trying to pick up the pieces of a world you’ve torn apart.
I can’t eat or sleep alone, I can’t even try.
No musing or recalling will answer questions why.
I don’t know what happened here, what you felt you had to do.
I can’t even speak for fear of my appeasing you.

Just go away
I don’t want to need you
I don’t want to love you
I don’t even like you.
Disgusted by what you’ve become.

She is my angel; I’m supposed to protect her,
My feelings of guilt, an uncomfortable stir.
I cannot forget this, it has changed our lives,
I cannot let go and she cannot know why.
She is just six, should be young and so free,
Instead she is jailed, by the fear within me.

A fear that you put there, a fear you installed,
With those hideous pictures that left me appalled.
But one things for certain, one things for sure,
Once this is over, I will close the door.
I’ll put this behind us, and never again
Will I want to speak or hear of your name.

Re: Never again

Hi Tine,
Another beautifully written poem. This speaks volumes on your writing style (which is very good). Sometimes it is not easy to write about events that have effected your life and other times it is easy. I feel this was a difficult write as you wanted to choose your words carefully.
Good for You Tine. Know you have some good friends here in Chordie land that support you.

I think this could make a good song with your second verse being the course.

Your Friend smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Never again

Hi Tine,

I must agree with my friend Kenny here, this is a very good poem, and would make an excellent song with 2nd verse as chorus.

I often find that it's the traumatic things in life that get the writing juices flowing. Lucky for me it's only heartache after an argument with my wife....yes we do argue...often, it's what keeps us alive.

I can only guess at what the subject is, and I offer my sincere sympathies and any support you may feel I can give.

Here's hoping your daughter can put all this behind her, I don't suppose you will forget it in a hurry, so chin up, and tell this animal to sling his hook, you've got a few hundred thousand friends that will be happy to come around and see him if he don't go, baby!

Peace and Love


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Never again

thats EXACTLY how i feel n wat im going thru O_O tht jus wow!

Wherever There Is Light There Is Always Darkness...<3

Re: Never again

Yeah... It's a toughie. We were the 'lucky' ones as I realised he was up to something before he could do anything to her. I know I am strugling with feelings of guilt much more than she is. She just accepts he is gone now. I am on tenderhooks. Will he/won't he  be prosecuted... I suppose it's an adult problem and she is oblivious to all of it. Thank goodness.

It's been a long struggle over the last few years what with everything else but things are looking up. I am a firm believer in what doesn't break you makes you stronger... I try to use my experiences to empathise with others and charity work is really helping me to fullfill this. It's about making a negative positive.   

Thankyou for the support and words of encouragement. xx

Re: Never again

Hi Tine,

You call her your angel and , my God, that's true. But does she know she has an angel in her mother. What you have gone through is awful and, I think, would have destroyed many people. To be able to see the positive in the aftermath of this is truly inspiring. God bless you, Tine, and your family. I have a feeling that there are many hundreds of people, right at this moment, wishing it was possible to do some sort of virtual group hug.

I don't know what else to say

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??