Topic: Lets talk about hand problems
About 5 years ago I had to have surgery on my left hand (chord hand) due to a problem called "trigger finger". This problem is caused by the tendons in your hand being damaged and developing a bulge. When this bulge passes through a knuckle while closing your hand it will "lock" the finger(s) in place and not allow them to open easily. There can be quite a bit of pain associated with this, as well. After the surgery my hand got back to normal and I had no problems.
Last year I had to have surgery on my right hand due to the same issue. A week after the surgury, I had to have a 2nd operation due to a staf infection. Since then my hand has always felt like it was swelled and I could not make a tight fist.
Back to the left hand. For the past couple of months I have been having a lotta pain when closing my left hand (middle finger). My finger(s) do not lock up but hurts like hell. When I first pick up my guitar I cannot make a open D chord due to the pain in my middle finger. After a few minutes it will loosen up and I'll be ok. If I play for extended periods of time I really pay for it the next day. I have been putting off going to a doctor, thinking this will soon go away. Doesn't seem to be the case.
Has anyone else had these problems? If so, how did you get passed it? I DON'T want to have another surgery on my hand but if things don't get better real quick I'm headed back to the doctor.