Topic: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.

This is my response to deaths on our streets and in our schools. I know that people have different opinions, I'm only offering mine.

I'll get to the music. It's the first time I'll have had a middle eight!

They Got the Guns from Somewhere.

They got the guns from somewhere,
Don't you wonder how that was,
Bought, perhaps, at a local shop
Or dragged out from under the bed.
They knew that they weren't going to stop
And the innocents now lie dead.

Not another, not again
That's all the papers said
Paper tears and frantic fears,
But is it so hard to understand?

How many fall dead in the crack of cordite,
For the greed of wealthy men?
If we lined them up on your pavement
Would you hand in your pistol then?

And that sweet pinky thing that you keep on a ring
In your handbag, just killed you outright
And it's true you can blame the man with no name
But without it you'd still breathe tonight.

Give them up,
Hand them in.
None of us need them,
It's all so much spin.
Give them up,
Hand them in.
None of us need them,
It's all so much spin.

And you gotta  be careful where you drop your spare change
For the guy with a cause and his hand out
Could be peddalling death for someone else's kids.
So be sure you hear what he's talkin about.

So you'd be better leavin' the gun in the shop
Spend the money on  having some fun,
Treat your lover to  flowers, treat your kids to toy cars,
Spend your spare cash on anything but guns.

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.

Totally agree Alan with everything  you have
written here.
I know it very difficult for everyone to understand
our position here.  But,  If we can quench the spark, the blaze may not follow.

Peace is wished for you and all.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.

it's so nice to see solidarity from two beautiful irish folk. i dont think anyone [in their right minds] want to return to the "bad old days" i always ask myself; "what pleasure do they get from killing and maiming other humans?", [i dont understand hunting either!] so lets hope this can be quashed before it begins.

alan, nicely written my friend, very heartfelt and emotional, let us know when you've put music to it and it's up on your web.

good work


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.

very good Alan

I am assuming you have heard of stiff little fingers? they wrote a lot of songs about the troubles in N.Irleland. Suspect device, wasted life, gotta gettaway, each dollar a bullet, barbed wire love,
just a few of their songs that I loved instantly.

I hope all goes well after being so well for 10 odd years there. But I dont think ye will ever stop the few idiots that think they are doing something worthwhile, to make others think the way they do.

if all thought the same as your words it would be a better place.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

5 (edited by alansheeran 2009-03-14 15:49:38)

Re: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.


Thanks for the words of solidarity.


Peace and pint all round, next Tuesday !!


If you saw me you wouldn't say beautiful.


Na, NAAA, na, na - na, nah . . . . .

Heard about them ? Jeesh, they were my teenage years. Did you see yesterday's BBC4 programme about Rough Trade Records. SLF were on, they broke the market open for Rough Trade and a lot of other bands up to and including the Smiths.

I am proud of the fact that, way back in the 80's, I had just enough cash to go to either SLF or the newly arrived U2 - at Queens in Belfast (they were playing one evening after another for BBC's Sight and Sound in Concert, if you remember that.) . I chose to pay to see SLF and gatecrashed U2. SLF were the business. They are playing the Ulster Hall here for it's month of re-opening ceremonies.

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.

I missed last year but I go to see them every st paddy's day at the barras in glasgow, probably my favourite band, or in the top 4. I have loved them since I was 10 years old since 1980


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: They Got The Guns From Somewhere.

alan,  beauty is skin deep my friend, what i see is the poet within, and the concern for your family and your friends is what makes the beauty and the words you utter and write.

keep the peace


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.