Topic: chronological order?

Just want to say I love this site and urge you to keep up the good work.  You have quite a collection of songs I almost don't know where to start. I am a big fan of the 50's and 60's era of music. I was wondering if you had ever thought of putting the artists or songs into chronological order. it wouldn't have to be precise but perhaps grouped per decade. just a thought... may be a pain. thanks I would have never learned a chord if it wasn't for this site.


Re: chronological order?

hi and welcome to chordie,
Glad you like the site.

Per ( chordie webmaster) is doing a lot more work just now, some of it has to do with songs and searching. But to put it in chronological order may be a bit hard. Chordie does not host any song so we would probably have to rely on the other sites, or the other people that put the songs on the other sites that chordie gets them from to put an era alongside their submission.

Also another problem I have just thought of with this would be if a band were going for years and years like The Who, Stones, REM, Cliff Richard......what timescale would they go into? lol

but who knows, it may be possible and I can see how it would be handy


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: chronological order?

just thought, ( yes sometimes I can)

Have you looked in "Public songbooks" to see if anyone has submitted a 50's or 60's songbook?

or have a go at making one yourself and making it public.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending