Topic: teaching self 2 play bass

i'm teaching myself to play the bass guitar and i've been lookn 4 a chord chart and can't find 1, can any1 help me?

Re: teaching self 2 play bass

Hi Strat Dude,
I would highly advise you to first be concerned with individual notes on the fretboard and their realtion to the arrangements of songs.(simplified; each chord change on guitar = note change on bass)

Next, I would suggest learning scales in the appropriate key of the song(s) you're working on( simplified; knowledge of scales in proper key= fancy fills)

Finally, I would throw a few bass chords in desired song at appropiate times, careful not to over play, bass guitar can be overbearing if it's not done tastefully. Bass/guitar chords can be found right here on Chordie. Just click on the resources tab, choose desired chord and take away the B and E string on the chord grid. ( unless you're playing a 5, 6, or more string bass, then we need to talk more theory and chord structure). Good luck, keep it simple at first, get fancy as you progress.

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: teaching self 2 play bass

If you're going to play bass, you have to know scales.  There are only five patterns to learn that will open the entire fretboard for you.

Learn 'em, live 'em, love 'em.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: teaching self 2 play bass

Just recently started fooling around with learning bass techniques. What a trip, never could have imagined it's so damn diversified.
Well, what I stopped to pass on to you guys that are in the same boat as me when it comes to bass playing, you might take a gander at ( There you will find scales and bits and pieces of information about bass playing that  should keep you busy for an eternity.
One of the most useful tools for myself is listening and trying to understand what I am hearing played on the radio etc.

Jim Weatherbie

Re: teaching self 2 play bass

IMO Bass is more of a felt instrument. It is there to outline (most of the time). It is best to find the most important notes (or note) in the chord you are outlining.

If out lining an F7th maybe use the F (1st of the chord) and pop off the high 7th.


If outlining a Fm try using the Flat 3th, 5th and root in a run of some kind. But stat away from the 3th (its not in the chord)

Start there, but don't forget all the things you can add to the melody also. smile


If you don't know what a 1st, 3rd or 5th is, google chord building.

I love the web. So much info!

I never need more then 4 strings.