Topic: Johhny Cash Hurt

Hi all. I am new to playing the guitar. Played a little as a kid but starting up again. I am trying to play this song but having trouble playing the chorus. Does anybody have any ideas on how to strum the chrous? When i listen on the song i hear the piano but not sure how to strum this on the acoustic. Thanks for the help.

Re: Johhny Cash Hurt


I play it as a simple 1 2 3 4&. Sound's okey. Add's a bit of drama if you know what I mean.

It's a nice song, I assume you have the Am, C and D pick pick strum bit sorted?

Re: Johhny Cash Hurt

I just play it with heavy strum down down down down.

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Johhny Cash Hurt

Thanks for the help. I have the picking part figured out i just wasn't sure on the strumming part. Thanks again.