Topic: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

I was hoping someone could make a recommendation on an acoustic guitar (size) for my 8 year old son?  (He will be brand new to guitar)

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old
Check this link out it may be of some help

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

Although a nylon string classical guitar may not seem as cool as a steel stringed acoustic or a stratocaster for that matter, It is simply the easiest on those tender finger tips. He wont have calloses like some of us veterans. I'm 38 now and I can vividly recall my mother asking the salesman if he thought the guitar that was sitting on my lap completly hiding me was "a little big" and him saying "naaa, he'll grow into it." Believe my HE WILL NOT. He will give up on playing guitar if it is completely uncomfortable. Not only will you be out the cost of the guitar but also the cost of all the lessons. I gave up because the strings hurt my fingers and the guitar was the wrong size. I picked it back up later but I lost all the lessons from those early lessons.

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

Stay away from the toy store junk and "First Act" junk.  For about $100 to $200 you can get a fairly decent 3/4 sized acoustic from a good manufacturer like Fender, Alvarez, Yamaha, or Takamine.  When he outgrows it . . . it makes an excellent travel or campfire guitar.

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

I'd agree with Royce Drake here. Don't buy a cheap, nasty "first guitar". They stink! And they can be very hard to play.

My first was an old nylon string classical which was great for learning the basics on. And not so bad on the fingers. I'd also go for the 3/4 size.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

Thanks for all the info!  THis was very helpful.

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old lists two 3/4 size in their top 10 beginner guitars One Is a Taylor Baby Taylor and the other is a Martin LX1  Just thought I would let you know.

Learning to play the guitar is easy. Converting that knowlege to sound like music is hard!

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

for sure stay away from first act, they cant be tuned and the first fret is more like a half fret. try a taylor

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

I would also show him a couple of songs he recognises on you tube but done with accoustic guitar only and just as good etc... this way he wont feel that he needs to sound like a million dollar recording ... and can be good on just a guitar alone .

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.

Re: Acoustic Guitar recommendation for 8 year old

This has been very helpfull!  Thanks I have to go shopping!