Re: Playing Level

Alansheeran, thanks for the link!

  I'll have to go back there and face all the voids in my knowledge base now LOL.  But valuable stuff anyway as all good information is, appreciate you finding it for everyone's benefit.

Hi Toney,

  Not sure about the Narcissism part, but there is some validity in the discussion about having some idea of where another person is when trying to give assistance.  Little things, like not wasting words in complex explanations when they are not necessary.  Generally though, you (or at least I) get a "feel" for the abilities of the questioner by the language of the question.  In most cases I think that would hold true.  A well phrased question gets the best and most specific answer.  In which case, ability to communicate effectively overshadows musical ability in the quest for knowledge.  Your thoughts?

Tubatooter 1940,

  You-bet-cha there should be special catagories for such instances!  I know for a fact that I know everything, and I am just an "undiscovered" Rock Star after a half dozen double scotches!  LOL

You folks Take Care, and enjoy whats left of your weekend!

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

27 (edited by alansheeran 2009-01-11 23:51:53)

Re: Playing Level

A little knowledge goes a long way - I have always found !

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello