Topic: New Years Resolutions

I’m not sure how common this is in the rest of the world, but in the US it seems to be a tradition to make a New Years promise to yourself and see how long it takes to fail. I’m not the type that will make petty promises that I know I won’t adhere to. Lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, etc. – What’s the fun in that?

So here’s a couple for myself that I think I can stick to:

- Make an effort to be friendly to strangers. (This is really a cheat as it has been on my list for years. I’ve gotten better, but there is always room to improve, especially when your nature is to be a grumpy old ass like me.) It’s amazing how busy we get and can only be truly comfortable in our own surroundings. This hit me a few years ago while riding in an elevator (I believe you limey’s call them “lifts†). All these people crammed into a tight space – people who I’m sure are interesting, outgoing, friendly, yet nobody says a word. So I try to make an effort - tell a joke – compliment somebody, say “have a great day† while looking them in the eye and meaning it. The simplest gestures might have a profound effect on somebody else’s day. I resolve to be friendly, to make someone smile, to make a small difference to at least 1 person every day.

-  Musically, I’d like to make an effort to play with other people on a regular occasion. I believe that this not only will help me grow as a musician tremendously, but it will also be a ton of fun. I’m not ready to go behind a mike in front of a bunch of strangers, but I do think I am ready to jam along with others. So anybody in my neck of the woods (Cam!) let’s make an effort to do this in 2009! Raw beginners are welcome (I’m not much more than that myself). Let’s get together and help each other improve!

Warning – Drinking, smoking and eating will be in abundance if the gathering is at my place. big_smile

Happy New Year Chordians!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: New Years Resolutions

Hi TopDown,

  Thanks for the mention, and yes, I'd still love to get together, that would be great. I'm not one to make resolutions that I can't keep either, it's also funny that while in elevators I always try to crack a little joke or at least speak to people, everyone seems to get very quiet while riding in them, never understood why excatly. I think the world as a whole could use a good dose of your resolutions, simple, attainable, and takes so little effort to make someone else smile. I guess, if I had to pick one other than to make people smile it would be to keep practicing my guitar, trying to get better, again, just like TopDown, seems we have several things in common, anyway I'll keep studying, reading, asking questions, and playing, I can tell I've improved, cause my wife actually has told me she likes my playing now.


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: New Years Resolutions

Hi topdown,I feel about the same as you do on the subject of new years resolutions,I never keep them,so I just dont trytoo make them. Talking about meeting strangers now that can be hard,I have found that smiling at people really makes them loosen up and be friendly.hope you and the rest of the members have agood new years.[ If you drink please dont drive,get a cab or designate a driver]           dino

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: New Years Resolutions

I usually only make at least one resolution each year, but... I still chew tobacco, I haven't lost weight, and my house doesn't stay any cleaner than normal (it's not that bad, but it could be better). So, I've decided to do something a little easier this year. I'm going to make every effort to be as environmentally friendly as possible. For example, I will shut down my computer and shut off the power strip when I'm not using it and the same with my entertainment center since both use electricity even when they're not in use. Same thing with cell phone chargers. I'm also going to make sure to recycle everything I can (even bottles and cans in my car) and start a composting so I send less waste to the landfill. Finally, I'm going to walk/bike to work whenever the weather is nice (that may help with the whole weight loss thing too!). I do most of this stuff already, but I still want to be more consistent. So, here's to a greener 09!

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: New Years Resolutions

My resolution is to catch a fish.  However, as a rule, I do not fish in elevators.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: New Years Resolutions

I have a few goals for the new year upcoming; 2009

1) get my herb garden(curled parsley, dill, chives, basil, cilantro, and majoram) going and maintain it

2)do 50 consectutive push-ups on my knuckles

3)drink 1/2 gallon of water per day

4)read lots of books ( currently reading "Too Fat To Fish" by Artie Lange)

5) encourage, support, and assist my wife in completing her disseration paper and proudly welcome the first Doctor into our immediate family. Then throw a big ah-hass party upon her completion of said task. Career wise, it's been all about me for the past 5 years, now it's my wifes' time to shine.

6)sell several of my guitars and other miscellaneous music equipment  to begin paying off student loans.

7)teach my son how to swim

8)play a gig at The Ford Ampitheater in Tampa, FL( in the merchandise area would be fine, the big stage would be supreme!)

9)gently persuade my daughter(who sings like Alison Krauss, fo real!) to perform with me in public( she once received $28 in tips for singing one song, at age 8!)She says performing in front of people makes her feel nauseous. I tried to convince her, honestly, that I feel the same way each time I  perform. I can't and won't  force her to perform but geeze-whiz she's sooo good. She's 13 now and I feel that once she 'works' at a fast food place, grocery store, mall store, or whatever, she'll realize that musicians pay and the hours beats the hail out of retail pay. But I also realize that subjecting oneself to the sometimes cruel and souless public is too much for some people to shake off.

10) talk to and have lunch (if they want food, if not I'll by 'em a 6 pack of beer or a fifth of liquid asprin), my treat, with 3 homeless people.( I would attempt to help more but it messes with my mind continuously) Many people out there in the world don't realize how close they are to wearing the same shoes as the uninformed look at in disgust. Oh, and by the way, NEVER attempt to awake a sleeping homeless person. I almost got stabbed once simply for trying to do a good deed. Let 'em wake up before you try to interract with 'em........................

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.