Topic: 1958 Gibson ES-140T

How Much do you think it's worth. Just so you know I'm not going to sell it, I'm just curious.

Re: 1958 Gibson ES-140T

Hey Moostinator,

  Sorry I can't give you a value on that instrument, I doubt anybody could without a pack of photos.  A little history on it though... 1958 was a good year as I remember.  I was three! LOL  But that was the first year that particular body Gibson was available in the "new" thin format (hence the "T" designation in the model#).  Prior versions had the body capacity of, oh something like a auditorium dreadnaught for times that were without power for amps.  Acoustically they were quite loud for an electric.

  Like everything else with "age" as we say in the antiquities business, it will really depend on the market.  Quite a number of those guitars were made and proved popular among the music community so it is not what one could consider a "rare" unless it had like the serial #00001.  If it was mine I would hang on to it as someday it might be a highly collectable instrument.  Also play it regularly to keep all the moving parts functional. 

I'll wager it sounds better than it did the day it was built, and will, even after you and I are gone!

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: 1958 Gibson ES-140T

Your darn straight '58 was a good year! I was born Jan 6 1958.... Omg! I just dated myself, but I'm not alone, cuz Doug just dated himself too! You might go to Gibson website and research it. They just might have an archive you can look at that will at the very least give you some specifics on the guitar. After that, you might check on e-bay or one of those sites and see if there might be one of those or something similar. That might put you in the ballpark. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: 1958 Gibson ES-140T

There's no way of estimating the value of a guitar without seeing it up close. Many factors determine the value of an instrument( condition,serial # visibility, modifications, etc).
Here is a site that will tell a person the exact year their instrument was made based on serial numbers and brand.

**edited to add content(12-16-08)**

Give everything but up.

Re: 1958 Gibson ES-140T

Hello, Don't know if this helps but I sold a 1960  ES 125  about 5 yrs ago for $1000. In very good condition. Seems the single pickup guitars aren't worth as much as some other Gibsons.

Later Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

Re: 1958 Gibson ES-140T

Thanks everybody. I'm definitely holding on to it. It's far better than my other 2. Thanks again.