Topic: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

“ Harald Bluetooth was around before all this clever technology and he wouldn’t be impressed if he came back and saw the world today”  so says my street friend Billy The Busker.  It wasn’t until I looked up Harald Bluetooth on the internet  that I found out he was a King Of Norway over a thousand years ago. Realizing that Billy The Busker has an eccentric humour about him I thought he was worth a poem. Billy is unlike many other buskers I know in that he has a good job but likes to busk every now and then just for pure enjoyment.
                             Billy Playing Blues Guitar
Why choose a cold winters day
To stand on a footpath and play
His strange choice makes my day
Billy playing blues guitar
It is a fun thing to see
Six strings and decent wood
A genre he says is misunderstood
Some say they need intoxicants
To play the Blues
He say’s to me that’s not true
That’s also is my point of view
My busker friend Billy
Is not silly no drugs or drink
Just loves playing his guitar
The young ins on the street around him
Many are heading to death with meth
Disconnected from nature
Land sea and fresh air
Their souls torn apart
And their ability to care
Billy playing blues guitar
Happy to be here
A man of today
No sedatives just love
No cigarettes or puff
It can be done and still be fun
Here I am on Cuba Street
Separated from my laptop out on a roam
My new affliction left back at home
To me its kind of intoxicating watching
Film noir
The lead actors all sucking on durries
When the world was in a different kind of hurry
Yet nothing changes bad guys are still a worry
Here I am now living in today on Cuba Mall watching Billy play.
In  amongst some good old fashion buildings in a modern murk and slurry
People married to their smartphones
Now that’s a worry
Inside their cyber world oblivious all in a hurry
Smiling Billy on the sidewalk in amongst his own clever talk
Plays blues guitar beside an Indian bar
As the people inside drinking beer are enjoying a hot curry
Sometimes in a world that can feel broke
People like Billy shine like a beacon of hope 

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

brilliant as always !     

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

I agree with Brian !     

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

great poem Peatle,you gave me an idea.

i was standing at the bus stop
everyone had their heads down
and i wondered
is there something on the ground
then i realised they were all looking at their phones
i had to laugh,when i looked again
because im living in the past still using a pen
although i had to confess to this tech bunch
my phone was at home
id used it to post an exciting selfie
of me and my lunch     

The King Of Audio Torture

5 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-08-11 09:46:48)

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

Thank you, Jim and Brian, for your kind comment.     Sitting on the bus today surrounded as usual by commuters on smartphones. The lady next to me a stranger disengages from her phone and speaks to me.  Are you going answer that phone in your jacket because its annoying me hearing it make that sound she said to me. It was then I  became aware that my phone in my pocket had Robert ringing me. I like your poem Brian.

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

Brian and Peatle
Both are too funny.
My wife spends so much time on her phone - it is annoying.     

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

Peatle, I like that poem, so very true.  Well written.

easybeat, well written as well, and I still prefer pen and paper too lol     

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

8 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-09-19 23:30:20)

Re: Billy Playing Blues Guitar

Thank you  Jan
I like using pen and paper but recently I have taken to when I get an idea out of the blue quickly putting it on my phones voice recorder. When I do that walking along the street it looks like I’m talking to someone on the phone when I’m actually just talking into my voice recorder with an idea. As Maree tells me I have invented a new way of talking to myself most probably a sign of madness but never mind it keeps me out of trouble.  Here is a quick poem about my Mums birthday yesterday.

It was my Mums birthday yesterday
One hundred and three she be
An all she wanted was a cup of tea
No fuss said she
I just love her simplicity     
She falls a sleep a lot
During the day
Happy in her own way
Her mind now in decline
Between naps she is having a good time
No longer interested in a fancy Gin
Just a cup of tea a cup cake and happy as can be