Sticky, Closed:

1 Sticky, Closed: Poems and Lyrics

by Roger Guppy

2 Old Cyril

by Phill Williams

3 naughty rhyme

by Phill Williams

4 Another Dumb Love Poem

by Ryuusei

5 Thoughts of You

by Ryuusei

6 Guitar Here You Are

by Peatle Jville

7 Please!!

by Ryuusei

8 Lost

by Ryuusei

10 Spammer ban. Phill

by shaheer24

12 Two Worlds Apart

by Ryuusei

13 Goodwill Ranting

by Ryuusei

14 ME!!

by Ryuusei

15 Herbie Flowers

by Peatle Jville

16 Malteezers

by Phill Williams

19 Zeuxis

by Peatle Jville

20 Stupid Secrets

by Ryuusei


by Ryuusei

22 Admittance x Pudency

by Ryuusei

23 Heresy

by Ryuusei

25 Rant×Acceptance

by Ryuusei

27 BIG Banana

by easybeat

28 Interweb

by Peatle Jville

30 Harmonica Man

by Peatle Jville