1 Sticky: Scales - A Primer

by jerome.oneil ( Pages 1 2 )

2 Sticky: Welcome to the Theory Forum

by jerome.oneil ( Pages 1 2 )

3 Sticky: Minor Scales - A Primer

by jerome.oneil

4 spam.

by wojciechmazur

6 c'è un italiano qua???

by jovinotto


by arteta2k

12 Zombie Chords

by Baldguitardude

13 The Gmaj7 Chord

by Tenement Funster

14 Free Jam Tracks

by Baldguitardude

15 Key Signature Question?

by Clownschool

16 stinken B chord

by Fire art

17 New Free Online Lessons

by Baldguitardude

19 Diminished chords

by dale.erwin

20 What are those chords?

by CurtRHCP

25 Unlearning a Bad Habit

by Tenement Funster

27 scales

by dougbarnes5

28 Reading Music

by Tenement Funster

29 What chord would you call this?

by SunflowerGUY

30 Experiment With Chords

by Strummerboy Bill