62 Road Trip Songs

by Peatle Jville

63 The Chinese Bike

by easybeat

65 A Strum And Vocals That Hum

by Peatle Jville

67 Stanley Victor Paskavich

by Peatle Jville

68 match an artist/song

by easybeat

69 good to see and thanks

by easybeat

70 fav songwriters

by Phill Williams

71 This Just Needs A guitar

by Peatle Jville

73 whistling

by easybeat

74 Remember these folks ?


75 Thank you Chordie and Easybeat

by Peatle Jville

76 Things Do Change

by Peatle Jville

77 Music and my Dads Parents

by Peatle Jville

78 What Do You Think????

by Peatle Jville

80 practice

by Phill Williams

82 survey Peatles request

by easybeat

88 why bother

by easybeat

89 Chordie's format

by roylooca

90 week end

by Phill Williams