Welcome to Chordie, Alice!
Another very helpful on-line resource is Justin Sandercoe's series of free lessons. He's a terrific teacher with a warm casual style, and you can select from a huge menu of techniques from beginner to advanced. I have personally learned a lot from him, and I hope you'll find him helpful:
Please keep us posted about your progress. There are some really accomplished musicians here on Chordie, and there are also a lot of hackers like myself, and everything in between. This is a very non-competitive yet supportive place to trade ideas with one bond uniting us all ... we love guitars and music!
Thanks a lot!
I have few songs that i really want to sing while playing. With only finger-piking... I am trying to master them with all your helpful advises. Barres turned out hard cause i have a heavy dreadnought acoustic guitar (Hohner) with very hard strings. I think i need to change strings.