Alright folks, I can eat humble pie when deserved and I guess I had it coming a bit. Thouh I did not find one single reply with a bit of understanding for my plight and frustrations. Of course none of you knew this, but I am recovering from a serious personal situation (hence away for a few years) and all I could think about was getting back to my guitar, learn new songs but the updates may be good, but they left me so frustrated. Sure, I may have had a free ride for a while, so what, who does not like a free ride? Needless, I will persevere and struggle through and relearn the procedures, and may actually try to contribute something. Finally, I am very grateful I do not work with or know any of you personally, as all of you sound pretty unforgiving,"Kick'em while their down"!

Due to circumstances, I have not used Chordie for a couple of yrs. I used to love to search songs, download in my own Songbook app! Done. It was awesome. Now your website SUCKS! Useless info, ads non stop, bunch of BS!
You should have stuck with the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid!