(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hey everybody,

yeah, we are still around smile
We are really happy about your posts and the answers you gave to our questions- actually everything we need for our dissertation is coverd smile

Thanks again for all your help!
If you have further questions to us, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Have a great day guys!


(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks again for you answers, you all helped us a lot.

We just have one more thing we are curious about. Floydlong, you brought up an interesting topic, what would you guys say to a statement like - every guitar is unique - ?

Does this uniqueness or standardisation of musical instruments influence your purchasing process?


(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

@ dino48: If we understand correctly you do the initial search online to narrow down your choice and then after you found some guitars you like you try them out in a phyiscal store. Where do you ultimately buy the guitar? why?

thanks for your answer smile


(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thank you so much for all your answers, it helps us a lot to get to know more about how to purchase a guitar.
We have a few more questions just to make sure we understand it right,

@bensonp: After you have done your research, are you playing the guitar in stores? And where would you normally buy it in the end?

@floydlong: When you have found "the one", would you buy exactly that guitar, or would you buy the same model somewhere else?

@zguitar: Your post seems pretty clear, so unfortunately we don't have many more questions for you ;-). We guess after months of research online and playing in the stores, you try to find the guitar for a cheap price and buy it either online or in a store?!

@dino48: Before you buy the guitar, where would you do most of your research and opinion gathering?

@joeyjoeyjoey: Where would you normally do your research? After you had seen your 59 Gibson, did you still do research? Where and why?

Thanks again for your help!!


(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hey guys,

We are two students from Sweden and are about to do a research for our final dissertation. We are in need of information about how you would buy a guitar, would be great if you could help us.

In more detail our questions are
- where and when do you collect information about the guitar?
- do you seek additional advise? If so, where and from whom?
- where do you ultimately buy the guitar? why?

Many thanks for your help :-)