I presently have a Digitech Rp255 also. It is a nice unit, but there's a few things about it I think could be better. It's very good for getting a specific sound, the USB interface works very well, it's nice and compact, I'm just looking for way to easily adjust your sound on the fly while playing. With the Digitech, I think if you were performing, and had a series of sounds you wanted to use, you'd almost have to sequence them all as presets, and almost have to play your set in a predetermined order.
2 2013-01-07 21:56:48
Topic: Boss GT pedals (5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
I'm thinking about treating myself to a high end Boss multi-effects pedal. I'm leaning towards a Boss GT-10. I see a lot used used GT-6's, some GT-10's, and the occasional 8. How different are these models. What experience do you guys have with them?