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at ''. home page. switching browsers helps, but that's palliative and annoying. signals of the end??
mySql reports: Got error 12 from storage engine
This query was executed:
select ID from songbook where owner='gracchus' and songbookname='My songbook'
the original doesnt have any problems so i'm just working off of that. font thing seems to occur in translation, in the fetching process. seems like a common problem.
So is there a maximum length on chordie? it seems a lot of songs exceed this length, and just turn into a mess.
Here's a good example: … nfused.txt
It looks great until like halfway down then it's a mess.
i really love this site so i dont want to sound bitchy, but this seems fixable. I dunno. It's a fetched song so i dunno if its a sql issue or what.
i've had a few issues access songs; sql errors. Doesnt matter if the song is in my songbook or not, it throws me the error, though it does mention songbook. But yeah just happened 20 minutes ago when i was trying to play Kashmir.
I tried using a different browser and that worked, but then the original browser was working again. And an sql error shouldnt have anything to do with my end. Using a well-appointed workstation, for what its worth
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