dino48 wrote:

Thats a good sight,I enjoyed reading some of it. thanks for sharing.I think I have 3 of these styles. How is your dad's crop doing? I have heard alot of americas farmers are really hurting because of the drought.

Thanks for asking! What I'm about to tell you--my dad would kill me for this, because farmers hate to talk about this with outsiders--is that this will be a very good year for us. We live in Southeastern Minnesota, with 200 acres in corn, 100 acres in soybeans, and 30 milch cows with about 15 acres for pasture and about 10 acres of woods on the ridge that's too steep to be farmed--my dad wants to do away with dairying, but my mom grew up with cows, and it was her parent's farm so . . .

Anyway, a lot of farmers are suffering, but we were blessed with just enough rain, in fact, some of the biggest crop yields in the state are going to be in our county, about 190 bushels/acre. At $8 a bushel, dad's estimating our corn crop to bring in a little over $300,000! I don't know about the soybeans yet. My dad feels kind of guilty about the whole thing because commodity prices are often proped up by government decisions--especially laws encouraging ethanol. Dad say's a lot of farmers are "tighter than a duck's ass" and think they shouldn't have to pay much in taxes even though the government has been turning them all into millionaries with the farm program. Dad wants an end to the "Bush-era tax cuts"--I don't know what they are, but he says they're bad. 

Now you know why the price for good farm land is going through the roof. My mom and dad were lucky--they bought the farm from my grandparents when prices were more reasonable, and they paid it off over 20 years. A few years ago people were shocked when people were getting $6000 an acre. Now it's over $10,000 and climbing. I read about 120 acres in Northwest Iowa that just went for 20,000 an acre!   That's one of reasons family farms are disappearing--a lot of farmers are selling out to corporations who are buying up farms as fast they can. They're the only ones who can afford to buy farm land anymore. Once they own the land, they tear down the old farm houses, the barns, the silos, the out buildings, and sell off the livestock and machinery and it's just wall to wall crops. In the spring they come in with a planter and in summer with a sprayer, then in the fall with the combines, but nobody lives on those farms anymore.  There are fewer and fewer kids to go to school, fewer parents to serve on the PTA, no one to eat at the cafes or buy things at the local grocery stories or go to the country churches or be on the volunteer fire departments--it's funny how success can ruin things.

Hi Dino,

Here an illustration about different neck profiles--you might recognize some of yours.


I didn't know that guitars have different neck profiles, but I've started to learn about them.  My brother's D-16 Adirondack has a V shaped profile that's hard for me to play. My brother likes it because he can use his thumb to fret (my thumb isn't long enough to do much more than get in the way). On the other hand, my Ovation has a C-shaped profile that think is nice and comfy. I got to try a Taylor that was a joy to play. I had heard people talk about some guitars having a "fast neck" and that Taylor sure had one. Maybe it had something to do with the profile?

Anyway, what kind of neck do you like?


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I found another song I like to practice barre chord changes: "Baby I love Your Ways" by Peter Frampton. It has a Bm and F7, with a challenging change from Bm to F7.


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Re: Barre Chord Changes

I also like to practice the chorus in "Moon Shadow" by Cat Stevens, where it goes (in a 2 count, I think)

Em    A7    D    F#m    Bm

Oh, did it take me a long time to be able to make a smoooth change from the D to the F#m to the Bm!!


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Loved it!


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

bunbun wrote:

How is it coming along? Are you having success?

Hi Mr. Bun,

I was really saddened to read about your health issues and how you have to leave  your job as firefighter and EMT, but thanks for asking about my progress.

Let see, I've been practicing "Creep," and "Hotel California" and "Jenny Jenny." I think the hardest is the "B" chord. It's getting a little easier in terms of movement, but the sound of the chords is still a little muted.


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks for the additional suggestions!


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks for the suggestion, Guitarpix--you're video of the song was really helpful!


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Great songs, scrimmy--I really enjoyed listening to your band!


(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

What is a scalloped neck? Do they carve out some of the neck like they do with bracing? Also, I can't picture what a scalloped fret would be like.


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks for the suggestion on "Hotel California" -- I'm loving that Bm to F# and Em to F#. Good practice song!


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I totally agree, Pete!


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Wow! I'm so grateful for everyone's input. I've got a lot of things to practice now--you guys are so generous with your time and knowlege and I really appreciate it. I hope that someday I'll get the chance to give to others what you've shared with me.


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Astronomikal wrote:
M.B.two wrote:

Now that I'm taking driver's ed., I've discovered that one of my pet peeve is the way my Mom drives. . . . , my pet peeve with Dad's driving is . . ."

16.  Rookie drivers who feel like they are qualified to critique the way experienced drivers drive.

HAHA!  Just kidding.  i saw an opening and had to take it.

Guilty as charged! Laughed a lot at that one! I tell my mom, "Mom, I'm the one studying this stuff--when was the last time you took a driving class, huh?"  She always says something like, "When you've given birth to FIVE children, young lady, than you can criticize your mother, who carried you in her womb for NINE MONTHS and then had a 40 HOUR labor, and . . . 2 A.M. FEEDINGS . . . SLEEP DEPRIVED . . . SPOILED. . . WALKED FIVE MILES TO SCHOOL . . . "


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks for the recommendations, beamer. I found a cover of "Wicked Games" that I like even better than the original.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSXh_L8I … re=related

What do you think? I like the fact they're recording it in a stairwell!


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Now that I'm taking driver's ed., I've discovered that one of my pet peeve is the way my Mom drives. She get's real tense, and leans forward, and she scowls and looks like something bad is going to happen. The worst thing, though, is that she tailgates all the time, and doesn't even realize it! If I'm sitting in the passenger seat and we're on the highway I'm terrified!

Just to be fair, my pet peeve with Dad's driving is that he always glides to a stop and it takes forever to get where we're going! When I point out that we're probably wasting about five years of our lives just coming to a stop, he says, "No sense wearing out the brake pads, Emmy!"


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Awesome, KAP! Looks like "School of Rock--Summer Vacation" still has a few weeks to go!


(27 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for songs that have a lot of chord changes requiring barre chords-- like F, Bm, Bb, and B. For example, I've got two songs, Cecilia by Paul Simon, and Big Rock Candy Mountain that go back and forth between between C and F over and over again.

Got any other songs like that? Like one that goes back and forth between G and Bm?

Also, I'm still a little slow going into a Bm barre, so to keep on the beat, I leave the previous chord a little early to give me time to make the barre. Like if I'm playing a G for four beats (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and) I'll leave the G just after the 4 to give me extra time to change. Is this ok? Do other people do this?

Here's another question--I try to do full barre chords, but depending on the song, if it seems too difficult, I'll do an alternate fingering so I don't have to do the chord. Do other people do this? Or do you always make yourself do a full barre?


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

WOW!  Hilarious and a pretty darned good country blues.  I'm impressed.  You should cut that.

Thanks Zurf! I was practicing "Big Rock Candy Mountain" to work on changing from C to F and just used the chords in that song, C G7 F and G. 

Hey Dino, I looked up Marshall Tucker Band on Youtube and so far my two favorite songs are "Can't You See" and "Fire on the Mountain." The singer's voice is fantastic--it makes me feel like autumn. I bet it was a real sad thing for him to lose his guitarist.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bensonp wrote:

Really good, MB, on the spur of the moment.  Gives us a visual we don't necessarily want, but good anyway.

LOL! You crack me up, Pete!


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

I thought you were funny, bunbun! No harm at all.

"heaven help you if you wanna hear some Korn, Tool or even Triumph." And to prove your point, I've never heard music from any of these bands. "Korn" I've heard of, but not "Tool" or "Triumph" so I wouldn't even know to look them up. That's why things like the Friday Blues Fix is so great--for someone like me, it's a real education.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks topdown! I don't think it's going to be on Randy Travis' next c.d., but it was fun to write.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

A shame.  Well, he's got some new material. 

- Zurf

Like . . . "I lost my license but I found my pants"

(C)I was drinking all day
Feeling (F) kinda down,
So I (G7) took off my clothes
Just to (C) bring me around

Then I couldn't remember
where I stashed my pants
So I Drove in to town
To buy me some slacks

Oh the seat was sohot,
It was burning my butt
I was going too fast
when I saw the cop

He pulled me right over
Had to get out and walk
When he saw I was naked
It gave him a shock

"Now" Randy he said,
"just where are your trousers?"
"Well, I haven't seen 'em
In over four hours."

They took my license
And threw me the book
But these stripped pajamas
Are quite the cool look.

(C) That's why I'm saying . . .
(F) That I lost my license,
(C) but I found me some pants,
(G7)They're white n' black stripes
with a (F) shirt that's a (C) match.


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

Phill Williams wrote:

hi mb2, the beatles were known as the greatest little rock band as there were only 4 of them. they were known for playing VOX amps, i cant ever remember them playing MARSHALLS? i may be wrong. if you listen to their earlier albums, once you get past all the love-y dove-y stuff, there's a lot of raw rock and as the 60's drew on and heavy metal emerged you can hear the influence they had on that music too. most bands even nowadays will admit to beatle influence one way or another.

in my opinion, lennon went a little OTT in the 70's. and just to prove that mccartney is not all shmooze, have a listen to MEMORY ALMOST FULL, it's one of my favs.

PS why the change of name?  cows got the old one? lol

Thanks for the additional information! No, the cows didn't get the old one LOL! Remember about a month ago, when they were having server problems?  I couldn't log in, so I ended up just getting a new account.