(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

It's called a Stroh Violin.  They're poplular in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, apparently.

Hmmmmm. I thought it might be a fiddlehorn.

Detman101 wrote:

If it were'nt for facebook I'd have no life lol...
It's the only way I can keep the few old friends from home I have in my life.


Agreed. When we left Wisconsin in 2007, we left behind 66 years worth of family and friends. We'd never lived anywhere else. Through Facebook, we've kept up with job changes, retirements, grand-babies, graduations, weddings (and divorces), vacations and other milestones. On top of that, we've made new friends in far flung places and close to our new home. It is simple to block out the annoyances and keep unwanted incursions at bay.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hot, hot, hot here in the Missouri Ozarks. We've had little rain this year and it is dry as a bone. Fires are consuming 100s of acres in the Mark Twain National Forrest. Makes me long for Lake Michigan breezes.