A few months go I was unable to view any Beatles songs. A message claiming copyright infringement for UK access had occurred. Unfortunately, This message was being displayed incorrectly regardless of the user's location. For example, I am located in the US and was having my access blocked. The error had been corrected until today, when I am once again blocked from accessing these songs.

OK, adding to the Strangeness...
I logged into Chordie this morning on my iPad, on which Beatles sones had been blocked, to find that they are now unblocked!
I don't suppose anyone made any changes to the site last night???

Hmmm... Maybe something has escaped from your private black hole and is wreaking havoc ON ME (play X-files theme here)  :-)

OK, maybe this will provide a clue to someone.
I am able to access the Beatle songs just fine from my Surface Pro tablet using IE Explorer.
When access is from my iPad, my access is blocked.

Thanks Russell. I can access you linked songs fine.
Just curious but, is anyone who is not a moderator able to access Beatle songs without aid of a moderator-poised link?

OK, the songs I am interested in are:
"All My Loving" and "From Me To You"

OK, I guess that kills that theory. :-(
So, back to square one.
Why can't I, and a few others, acess Beatle songs?

Thanks for the quick response.
Sorry for the confusion.
The message says "...asked Chordie to block All access to Beatle tabs For users originating From the UK". The action taken appears to have blocked all users (my assumption), regardless of their oiginal.

Yes, a lot of non-UK people (everyone I suspect) are now unable to view Beatles songs.
So, maybe the site moderator performing the blocking can explain the discrepancy between the displayed warning message and the actual action taken?