(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thankyou so much Mike

I recieved the money and the pick today all the way from the USA

The pick will definitly become the star of my collection a "genuine" one from the United States.

The money will be saved for when i go to the states one day.

Thankyou mike and "HOTLICK MOJO"



(109 replies, posted in Electric)

Joe satch definitly, stevie ray, mark nofler, (how DO! you spell that name) stevie via and many others.. recently i have been inspired by Micheal Angelo Batio, does any one know him?

Epica?, South Apache?, Bloop?, Kark?, Herb?, Shaklock?, 5 square?, OJ Bo'?, Salvage?, Genral & Co?,
What do you think? I prefer short band names.