No, not till now.....

I love to play guitar but I am just a trainee. For me I have already started my Guitar journey. I have not yet done the spraying yet but for now I have started to go for the sound quality of the guitar. I have bought new model of fender guitar and also bought the speaker amps for now that is connected with my computer. This speakers has really helped me get the good sound knowledge of guitar for now.  I will definitely go for the look of the guitar like spraying adding extra colors or anything else that counts to the look but for now I am focusing on the Sound that a guitar can produce and also the variations. For the above spray I think the previous image of guitar brings the rough feel and the later one (red one) brings neatness. If you make a rough painting like the previous one than could bring better look too. This is just my opinion may be some more experts have a crazy idea better than this. tongue