(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Awsome story... there's a song in there somwhere...


(231 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A guy goes into a bar... downs a beer in one long pull then says "All Lawyers are lowdown, greedy, disgusting, heartless, money grubbing jerks!"  A guy down the bar stands up and yells back "Hey!  I heard that and I resent it to the core of my very being!"  First guy says "Oh, is that  so? Why are you a lawyer?"  Second guy says "No! I'm a lowdown, greedy, disgusting, heartless, money grubbing jerk!"


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ok Butch... If I decide to start loaning them out, you're the first!

Here's a few pics of #5, one I made for a friend and performer here in my area. It's Bubinga back, sides, and neck with an Engleman Sruce top:






(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank all for the kind words... I really appreciate it...

Actually, she sounds better than she looks... great powerful bass with even mid and treble tones... lots of  volume...


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ok... here's a try at a few pics of #7,  Lady Firefly...  She's made of Cocobolo for the back sides and neck and Engleman Spruce for the top.  Hope you like her...





(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Thanks Topdown... your suggestioonworked!  You are my new guru!


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Can pictures be posted here?


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here's the FB address... I think it'll get there...


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well, what a friendly bunch of folks!  Thank you for the nice welcome!
  I'm on facebook... The name is Terry Paxton.  There are a few photos of my guitars in the photo section . I'm not much of a photographer but the pics will give you an idea of things...



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hey thanks!  I'll give that a try...


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Greetings from Cottage Grove Oregon!  I should have posted this intro before I posted a question, but I good at doing things backwards...

I'm just an old, short, fat, bald guy trying to get along.  But you know what?  Life is full of surprises.  Who knew that after reaching my late fifties  that I would finally find the work I would like to have spent my entire life doing.  I guess it's not unprecedented though.  I read somewhere that James A. Michener, the writer, found a similar surprise in his life.  Evidently, he didn't realize he was a writer until he reached his fifties.   Well, I'm certainly not a writer, as this tiny effort clearly testifies, but I did find a love for and certain skill in the building of guitars.   It's a matter of wonder and great pleasure for me to build a guitar, and then be able to play it, and then, even a step further, write a song and play that.  And further yet, other people even like the way the guitars look, sound, and feel.  Amazing in the extreme... How I wish I had realized this propensity thirty, or even forty years ago.  How might my life be different  had I taken this road before... had I learned to be Luthier way back then instead of spending my life at seemingly frivilous work as I had until those few years ago.  A question for the ages, I guess.

TS Paxton


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi...  new guy here... I was wondering why only the lyrics without the chords show up when I print a set of song lyrics... anyone know?
