(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

  I swear I saw the dude had seven hands and fifty three fingers.. Now I'm depressed.
heck I was depressed before I saw that... Now I'm ...I'm Depressered.


(143 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Man in reading this I've got to go find some scales to practice.
(CC hangs head) Yes I'm a Piddler also...Stuff Over and Over and ummm Over.
Great advice folks..   My teacher never had me work on scales..
I wonder what else I forgot to teach my DANG self.   GAWD !!!!

Good luck Naolslager


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks for the Welcome Dino and Nela.

I think I should clear something up about my playing... (wind starts to blow) hehehe.

  I have been playin a long time closed up in my Room... And after some work I can get my ears to pick out something to either add to a song or play along... But I'm sure not one of those people that can hear something and just play it.  I have to mess around for awhile and work out what I think sounds right... Sometime it happens..Sometimes It don't.. But if I hear stuff I like and it speaks to me.. well I don't mind messin with it for a LONG time... Yup I'm Hardheaded.
  But I love just playin...   So the trial and May Errors don't bother me much.
Might have ta soundproof my Room ta keep the Girls from yellin...BUT DATS LIFE !!!!  LOL.

Thanks again Folks


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Pete and Roger.

Dang... 1080 words... Hummmmm... I don't know how safe that record is....But it's sure good to know  the record is 1080... WOW !!!!!!  Lol
Now I'm just worried cause Pete said it had to be GOOD STUFF I tossed in the Coversations... (Gulp !!)

Hehehe Thanks for the Welcome


(76 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well I have two Full time Jobs.
  1st...28 years working on the water as a Launch Captain.
  2nd..14 years working as a facility Manager at a Car Dealership.

  DANG thats 42 years of work... WHY AM I STILL WORKIN !?!?!?!

Oh yeah....got a house full of teenage Wimmin...  I'm BROKE !!!  hehehehe

Thanks Zurf

   Tough times for sure...But ya know there are a ton a folks all over that deal with some pretty heartbreakin stuff... Me and My girls (and I got two who I couldn't live without) know that its our job to carry on and make her proud..  ( I got a some work to do on that...hehehe) but I'll get there. 
  You take care Sir.

  Sorry I tossed this in your tread... just came out.

  But hey if anyone wants ta see a Christmas Tree on da 4th of July...Ya know where ta find one!!!

I can understand all of this.

  I have 2 daughters 19 and 16. And my Wife's favorite time of year was Christmas she just loved it..stressed her and us out with all the stuff to get done but she loved it.  Well She passed away in the fall of 2009 after a long painfull eight year battle that was hard on her and for us to watch . One of the last things she did was to decorate our christmas tree.. Well THAT tree is STILL up just as she left it...No the girls and I haven't and will not ever touch it.  So in june if you walk in my house guess what?... Yup you gonna see a dang fully decked out Christmas tree just as she left it sittin in our livingroom.
  Don't think Christmas will ever be the same with me.

But I'm ain't touchin that dang tree... I don't care how many crazy looks I get in June..hehehe

Hang in there folks we will get thru it.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Katie !
I'm new here also, These folks sure do welcome folks nicely.
I'm hoping to learn and maybe help at some point... I just got to make sure that with teaching myself how to play I don't offer BAD ADVICE..from my BAD HABITS I've learned these 40 some years.. hehehehe... Dat would be BAD.

Nice to Meet You.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Everyone for the Welcome.

  I know I'll learn from all you folks.. And I guess I'll have to look in to the recording section here if I'm going to be of any help to anyone.. cause like I said above, I can't tell you what I'm playin or doing,I would have to show you.  I'll go read in there and try to get a Idea what would be the best thing for me. recording tracks sounds like fun.

  Again thanks for you Replies.

OH MY GAWD !!!!!!
Guess I'm been livin under a rock...First time I've seen this dude.
Ya don't teach dat stuff...   Thank for the heads up Zurf.

  Kinda makes me wanna drag out one of them 100.00 beaters and get ta choppin on it.  heheee


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have a Ton of Respect for Coach K.
I hope you can understand that with me being a Marlyland Terp fan.

I'm ok now...**Sigh**
Gonna be another tought year for us Terp Dudes....But I'm never jumpin ship !!!!
Heck I'm a life long Oriole fan too....I can take LOOSIN !!!!   hahaha.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

( when ya hear that it's a good time to RUN)

  Anyways hehee. You Folks Accepted me few days ago and well I've been playin guitar for a whole lot of years. Started when I was 11 and now my AARP Butt is 51. I'm self tought...Play by myself...never played much in public.. But I pick up a guitar just about everyday.. Cause no matter how tough a day had smacked me in the face.  Half a hour with a guitar can just drain a bad day away. I've bounced around the site and it sure looks like a place I'll be checkin out a lot.
  So I just thought I'd stop in and YELL... HEY !!!!

  The first thing I'll share with you is this...  I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M PLAYIN !!!!!  LOL.

   Yup been playin 40 years and don't know the names of a third of the chords I play.
  Freaky Huh.... and notes... well I hit um.. but don't know um... and needless to say I can't read music... But I'm Hardheaded... If I hear something I like I'll work at it until I can play it.  Then another funny thing happens.. A month later I'll have to learn it again....CAUSE I'M FIDDY ONE and forgot what the heck I did.  GAWD !!!!!

   I'll leave ya with the only thing I can say about me on the plus side.
I've got a pretty good ear.. And i know my way around a guitar. I have a blast playin along with my CD's and DVD's...And I think the world is a better place with me just sittin in my Man Room Playin ontop of other folks music just hopin I don't get kilt for stickin in all kinds of runs and licks where they don't belong... BUT HEY.. I'm havin fun and DA HECK WITH IT !!!!  hahahaa.

  If Clapton could hear what I've done to his songs.... LAWD.... My only hope would be to outrun him... He is like 60 now right?..  I could take um.   hehehehehe.

  Anyways... HI !!!...
If I get to long winded in here.
Just say CC shut up and go to your room.

Have a Nice day Folks.


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ok.. My trip to the Ovation Fan Club Site WAS KILLER !!!!
I did join the place and did a search on My Guitar.
Crazy !!!  I found out I have a Ovation Special Elite model #5868 born in 1991.
They listed the thing @ $1,675.00... Well I bought this thing off the shelf spankin new for under $1,500.00

Glad to see that I got didn't get soaked 19 years ago...
Bad to see how much a DIPSTICK I am and didn't know the thing was a Special Elite .
VERY GLAD.. that even though I play ths thing almost everyday...It still is in near perfect condition.

Again thanks very much for Ovation Site Info... think I'll go put a shine on my Baby.  hehehehe.


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

My first guitar was a Ovation way back in the 70"s ..Shoot the thing had a metal neck.. Like a freak I sold it after about 5 years. (developed a crack on face)
Back In 1991 i bought that years Anniversary Celeberty Model. Has Walnut face gold trim.
I love this thing...Play it all the time... I'll always have a Ovation sittin around.
  Hey thank for the Ovation site info... I'll go take a look.