awesome! thank you very much zurf!;)
2 2010-11-02 03:45:33
Re: easy songs to teach junior beginners? (6 replies, posted in Acoustic)
my teacher started the jr.high beginners class boulevard of broken dreams (without lyrics of course). they caught on so fast. as the TA for that class, i can honestly say they catch on fast. also try paint it black.... that wasn't hard, either. twinkle twinkle is superbly easy! he is even teaching them dust in the wind. (very slowly and piece by piece so that they catch on, and so that they really grasp it) he's teaching that on in the middle.... it'll really show you how quickly their brains catch on. just a tip, take it or leave it: when you teach them skills by songs, especially songs they know, it hits home faster. maybe take a survey on what songs they want to learn.
3 2010-11-02 03:33:04
Re: strings (22 replies, posted in Acoustic)
well, i've had my guitar for almost two years, and i can play pretty good. my only problem with strings is how often to replace them. can anyone answer that question?